The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 227–230 

Pearls] (Istanbul: Simavi Yayınları, 1990 ), which deals mainly with the wealth
tax, and the film of the same title directed by Tomris Giritliogˇlu in 1999 , the
Dönme category is incorrectly depicted as including, not the Dönme who are
the subject of this book, but rather any former convert to Islam. See Ayhan
Aktar, “Malın var, mı, derdin var!” Radikal 2 , November 28 , 1999.
67. United Kingdom, Public Record Office, FO 371 / 33376 /R 8573 / 810 / 44 ,
December 12 , 1942 , quoted in Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 408.
68. Leyla Neyzi, “Remembering to Forget: Sabbateanism, National Identity,
and Subjectivity in Turkey,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 44 , no. 1
( 2002 ): 145 – 46 , 149.
69. Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 246.
70. See Rıfat Bali, “Yirmi Kur’a İhtiyatlar olayı,” Tarih ve Toplum 179 (No-
vember 1998 ): 4 – 18.
71. See Konuk, “Eternal Guests, Mimics, and Dönme,” 24 n 61.
72. For a detailed account, see Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins, Death
on the Black Sea: The Untold Story of the Struma and World War II’s Holocaust at
Sea (New York: ecco, 2003 ).
73. Corinna Görgü Guttstadt, “Depriving Non-Muslims of Citizenship as
Part of the Turkification Policy in the Early Years of the Turkish Republic: The
Case of Turkish Jews and Its Consequences During the Holocaust,” in Turkey
Beyond Nationalism, ed. Kieser, 50 – 56. For a detailed account of the tragic fate
of Jewish citizens of Turkey in Nazi-occupied Europe, see also id., Die Türkei,
die Juden und der Holocaust, esp. 259 – 485. Guttstadt’s work disproves most of
the claims made in Stanford Shaw, Turkey and the Holocaust: Turkey’s Role in
Rescuing Turkish and European Jewry from Nazi Persecution 1933 – 45 (New York:
Macmillan, 1993 ).
74. Guttstadt, Die Türkei, die Juden, und der Holocaust, 365.
75. Bali, Cumhuriyet yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri, 551.
76. Ertan Aydın, “Secular Conversion as a Turkish Revolutionary Project in
the 1930 s,” in Converting Cultures, ed. Washburn and Reinhart, 161.
77. Bali, Cumhuriyet yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri, 538 – 41.
78. U.S. diplomatic cable, spring 1943 , quoted in Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair,
79. Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 36.
80. Leyla Tavşanogˇlu, interview with Cahit Kayra, Cumhuriyet, December 19 ,
1999 , quoted in Neyzi, “Remembering to Forget,” 146.
81. Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 52.
82. Ibid., 40.
83. Cemil Koçak, Türkiye’de millî şef dönemi ( 1938 – 1945 ) (Istanbul: İletişim,
1996 ), 2 : 508 , quoted in Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 55.
84. Bali, “Varlık Vergisi” Affair, 89.

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