The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 256–260 

  1. Brian Pullan, “ ‘A Ship with Two Rudders’: ‘Righetto Marrano’ and the
    Inquisition in Venice,” Historical Journal 20 ( 1977 ): 25 – 58.

  2. Sartre, Anti-Semite and Jew, trans. Becker, 143 , quoted in Shohat, “Post-
    Fanon and the Colonial,” in id., Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices, 253.

  3. See Rıfat Bali, “II. Dünya Savaş yıllarında Türkiye’de azınlıklar: ‘Balat
    Fırınları’ söylentisi,” Tarih ve Toplum 180 (December 1998 ): 11 – 17 ; and Laurent
    Mallet, “Karikatür dergisinde Yahudilerle ilgili karikatürler, 1936 - 1948 ,” Toplum-
    sal Tarih 34 ( 1996 ): 26 - 33.

  4. Quoted in Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 395.

  5. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 410. For the text, see Documents on
    the History of the Greek Jews: Records from the Historical Archives of the Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs, ed. Photini Constantopoulou and Thanos Veremis, 2 nd ed.
    (Athens: Kastaniotis Editions, 1999 ), 254 – 56. Archbishop Damaskinos and other
    eminent Athenians asked for “the suspension of the expulsion of the Jews.”

  6. Bessemer, “Who Is a Crypto-Jew?”

  7. Interview, summer 2007.

  8. Frantz Fanon writes of the stigma of race: seeing oneself as a despised out-
    sider, internalizing the image of the detested one, seeing oneself through the rac-
    ist eyes of the majority culture that hates one. Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White
    Masks, trans. Constance Farrington (New York: Grove Press, 1967 ).


  1. Yalman, Turkey in My Time, 255.

  2. Ibid., 258.

  3. Ibid., 4 , 251.

  4. “Hicazdeki veba bir Yahudi oyunudur!” Büyük Dogˇu, July 17 , 1952 , 1 ; Slez-
    kine, Jewish Century, 308.

  5. Such as in Büyük Dogˇu, August 22 , 1952 , 1.

  6. “Avdeti Ahmet Emin,” Büyük Dogˇu, May 29 , 1952 , 1. The cartoon of Yal-
    man as a spider appeared in the August 19 issue. Numerous articles in the same
    newspaper in June and July 1952 focused on the beauty contests and the paper
    reprinted a photograph of two American sailors kissing a Turkish contestant.

  7. Büyük Dogˇu, August 30 , 1952 , 1. For the assassination attempt, see Yalman,
    Yakın tarihte gördüklerim ve geçirdiklerim, 2 : 1589 – 1621.

  8. Ulus, November 23 – 27 , 1952. Üzmez later proudly described taking the
    gun from his accomplice’s hand, when the latter became immobilized by panic,
    and firing six shots. He expressed no remorse and speaks of his great disappoint-
    ment when he learned Yalman had not died. When Yalman’s wife visited him
    in jail immediately after the attack, he told her he would finish the job as soon
    as he was released. Hüseyin Üzmez, Çilenin böylesi ( 1977 ), 6 th ed. (Istanbul:

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