The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1

Mo.: Andrews McMeel, 2005. The encyclopedia
contains thousands of entries regarding televi-
sion, gadgets, fads, and music of the 1980’s.
Rettenmund, Matthew.Totally Awesome 80’s: A Lexi-
con of the Music, Videos, Movies, TV Shows, Stars, and
Trends of That Decadent Decade. New York: St. Mar-
tin’s Griffin, 1996. This work is more of a listing
than an analysis, as Rettenmund provides a list of
the best in each category included in his title. He
also discusses the changing vocabulary and other
trends, along with the popular culture figures of
the period.
Wills, Gary.Under God: Religion and American Poli-
tics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990. Wills ar-
gues that America has always been a Christian na-
tion and that the election of 1988 reflected this
fact. He covers a wide variety of topics in this
book, moving from the Scopes trial through the
1980’s. While acknowledging the importance of
religion, Wills also holds that the separation of
church and state is good for both the state and the

  1. Homosexuality
    Rutledge, Leigh.The Gay Decades: From Stonewall to the
    Present.New York: Plume, 1992. As the title sug-
    gests, this book covers gay history in the United
    States from the 1969 Stonewall riot until the late
    1980’s. Rutledge goes beyond simply focusing on
    gays and lesbians to also discuss public figures
    and others who have shaped gay culture. As the
    author admits, this work focuses more on gay
    men than on lesbians.
    Shawyer, Lois.And the Flag Was Still There: Straight Peo-
    ple, Gay People, and Sexuality in the U.S. Militar y.
    New York: Haworth Press, 1995. Although Ameri-
    can homosexuals argued for greater civil rights in
    the 1980’s and obtained some changes in the
    1990’s, the issue of gays in the military remains
    unresolved. Shawyer examines the issue, arguing
    that the United States should drop its ban on ho-
    mosexuals in the military. Shawyer played a signif-
    icant role in persuading Canada to drop its ban,
    and she brings that experience to bear in her
    Scott A. Merriman

1160  Bibliography The Eighties in America

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