The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1


This list is a representative collection of words and phrases that were either first used or gained prominence
during the 1990’s in the United States. (n. = noun; adj. = adjective; adv. = adverb; v. = verb; exp. = expression)

actor, n. A person who is considered a show-off.
all good, adj. Okay.
all that, adj. Important.
all that and a bag of chips, exp. Something that is
considered extraordinary.
alpha geek, n. The most knowledgeable person
working in an office.
alter ego, n. A form of identification.
alternative rock, n. A genre of rock music that had
contempt for the music industry.
amp down, v. To calm down.
arithmetic midget, n. Someone not very good at
arm candy, n. An attractive female used merely as an
adornment on a man’s arm.
as if!, exp. Yeah right!

babbage, adj. Fake.
baby factory, n. A woman who has had several chil-
back in the day, exp. Looking back.
Back off Jackson!, exp. Calm down!
badass, adj. Tough or cool.
badical, adj. Outstanding.
bag, n. Problem.
bail, v. To leave.
ball, v. To flaunt one’s wealth.
baltic, adj. Cold.
banging, adj. Excellent.
baste, v. To insult.
b-ball, n. Basketball.
beat, adj. In bad condition.
beeotch, n. Bitch; a mean woman.
betty, n. A female.
biscuits, n. Grungy shoes.
bite, v. To be bad.
blazed, adj. Drunk or high.
bling, n. Shiny jewelry.
blog, n. A Web journal.
blonde moment, n. A stupid act.
bojangle, v. To act crazy.
bomb, n. Something cheap.
bon-diggity, adj. Attractive.
bones, n. Money.
boone, v. To betray.

boost, v. To make someone happy.
boot, n. Someone of legal age who buys alcohol for
bootsie, n. No good.
booty call, n. Communication to set up a sexual act.
bopper, n. A male or female who actively chases the
opposite sex.
bounce, n. To leave.
breeze, n. A joke.
brick, adj. Cold.
brutal, adj. Really bad.
buck, v. To intimidate someone.
buff, adj. Muscular.
bunk, adj. Without merit.
burnips, adj. Very cold.
bust, v. To leave.
butt, adj. Of poor quality.
buzzkill, n. Something boring.

can of corn, n. Something easy.
cap, n. To shoot someone or punch them in the face.
caramello, adj. Extremely busy.
catch feelings, v. To get an attitude.
cha-ching!, exp. To have made a good deal or be
made very happy.
chauncy, adj. Very good.
cheddar, n. Money.
cheese, v. To smile.
cheese-balled, adj. To be under a great deal of stress.
chica, n. An attractive woman.
chickenhead, n. Someone who talks too much.
chillax, v. Spend time talking.
chillin’, v. Relaxing.
chips, n. Money.
chips and salsa, n. Computer hardware and software.
chizzle, v. To take it easy.
chode, n. A fool.
chonies, n. Underpants.
chop, v. To criticize.
chumpy, n. Something superior.
circle, v. To marry.
clod, n. A fool.
clown, v. To make fun of.
clutch, adj. Excellent.
come up on, v. To steal.
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