The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

to war-ravaged Bosnia and Herzegovina. The U.S.
effort came in the form of police personnel.

National Security Archive
Here is a massive collection of documents related
to the Cold War, which ended in the early 1990’s.
Run by The George Washington University, this ar-
chive is excellent for all sorts of documents on Amer-
ican foreign policy in the second half of the twenti-
eth century. Most of these documents were obtained
through Freedom of Information Act requests.

Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield
This time line, from the U.S. government division
that deals with Gulf War illnesses, discusses the U.S.
Army operations from early 1990 through the end of

  1. As might be expected, the site also discusses sol-
    diers’ exposure to chemical and biological weapons.
    Copies of related U.N. resolutions are also included.

Operation Desert Storm: Ten Years After
This document trove, established by the George
Washington University’s National Security Archive,
provides a wealth of sources on the Gulf War. It is full
of declassified government files obtained through
the Freedom of Information Act. It also contains
links to related documents.

Saddam Hussein
This Web site covers Hussein’s life, offers good
coverage of 1990’s events, and includes a time line
with related articles for many of the dates.

Somalia: Blackhawk Down
This Web site, from thePhiladelphia Inquirer, dis-
cusses the Somalia raid in great detail. This series
was the basis for a book of the same title, later turned
into a 2001 movie.

World Trade Center Bombing of 1993
februar y/26/newsid_2516000/2516469.stm
On February 26, 1993, terrorists drove a truck
bomb into the parking garage under Tower One of
the World Trade Center and detonated it. This Web
site reprints a British Broadcasting Corporation arti-
cle from that day and includes a time line of related
events along with a short column discussing the
prosecution of those responsible.


Michael Jordan
The National Basketball Association’s Web site
profiles the greatest basketball player of the 1990’s,
detailing his accomplishments and statistics, along
with a variety of other notes.

Wide World of Sports Highlights—1990’s
This time line shows some of the top events in the
1990’s sports world. It does not provide much analy-
sis of them but is a good place to start.
Scott A. Merriman

The Nineties in America Web Sites  1049

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