The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

McGwire, Mark, 538
McMahon, Ed, 504
McMillan, Terry, 540
McVeigh, Timothy, 542
Madonna, 543
Mahoney, John, 350
Mall of America, 548
Malone, Karl, 549
Maples, Marla, 871
Mapplethorpe obscenity trial, 551
Margulies, Julianna, 314
Marketing, 359
Mars Global Surveyor, 555
Martin, Brian, 392
Meier, Richard, 48
Menendez brothers murder case,
Metallica, 562
Microsoft, 355
Mikulski, Barbara, 955
Military operations, U.S., 388,
Milli Vanilli, 573
Miloševi 6 , Slobodan, 242
Minkhorst, Robert, 279
Mir space station, 795
Mississippi River flood (1993), 580
Montana Freemen standoff, 581
Moore, Roy, 582
Morissette, Alanis, 584
Morrison, Toni, 586
Morrow, Rob, 621
Morvan, Fabrice, 573
Moseley-Braun, Carol, 955
MP3 format, 589
MTV Video Music Awards, 532,
Mulroney, Brian, 592
Murphy Brown, 594
Murray, Patty, 955
Museums, 356
Music, 29, 117, 121, 156, 226, 244,
315, 387, 562, 573, 584, 611, 612,
663, 763, 766, 782, 933
Myers, Mike, 599
Myrick, Daniel, 104

Natural disasters, 580, 623, 630
Netscape Communications
Corporation, 268
Netscape Navigator, 942
New York Yankees, 383
Newsted, Jason, 562

Nine Inch Nails, 611
Nintendo, 898
Nirvana, 612
Nixon, Cynthia, 765
North Hollywood shoot-out, 620
Northern Exposure, 621
Northridge earthquake, 623
*NSYNC, 117
Nye, Bill, 626
NYPD Blue, 627

Oakland Hills fire, 630
Oklahoma City bombing, 542, 633
Olympic Games; 1992, 254, 638;
1996, 73, 402, 643, 819
Olympic Park bombing, 648
Operation Desert Storm, 388
O’Reilly, Bill, 651

Page, Larry, 759
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 658
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 765
Parker, Trey, 792
Pearl Jam, 387
Perkins, Sam, 79
Perlman, Itzhak, 663
Perot, H. Ross, 301
Perry, Luke, 100
Perry, Matthew, 352
Philbin, Regis, 368
Phoenix, River, 668
Pierce, David Hyde, 350
Pilatus, Rob, 573
Pippen, Scottie, 638
Pitt, Brad, 672
Pokémon franchise, 679
Pop music, 117, 573
Popcorn, Faith, 682
Powell, Colin, 685
Priestley, Jason, 100
Proulx, Annie, 689
Prozac, 41
Pulp Fiction, 693

Quayle, Dan, 694
Quebec referendum (1995), 696

Radio, 750, 809
Ramsey murder case, 702
Redford, Robert, 821
Reed, Ralph, 180
Reeve, Christopher, 705
Regalbuto, Joe, 594
Reno, Janet, 714

Rent, 715
Reznor, Trent, 611
Rice, Anne, 719
Richards, Michael, 761
Riots, 232
Ripken, Cal, Jr., 722
Ritalin, 64
Rock, Chris, 723
Rock music, 315, 584
Roth, Philip, 729
Rowling, J. K., 405
Ruby Ridge shoot-out, 731
RuPaul, 733
Ryan, Meg, 738
Ryan, Nolan, 83

Salquist, Roger, 363
Sampras, Pete, 842
Sánchez, Eduardo, 104
Saving Private Ryan, 744
Schindler’s List, 748
Schlessinger, Laura, 750
Schnabel, Julian, 384
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 753
Schwimmer, David, 352
Screen Actors Guild Awards, 28,
Search engines, 759
Seattle Mariners, 383
Seattle SuperSonics, 79
Seinfeld, 761
Seinfeld, Jerry, 761
Selena, 763
Shakur, Tupac, 766
Sharpton, Al, 767
Shaud, Grant, 594
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet, 770
Silence of the Lambs, The, 3
Silicon Valley, 773
Simpson, O. J., 775
Simpsons, The, 778
Smashing Pumpkins, 29
Smith, Marc, 799
Smith, Susan, 781
Smith, Will, 782
Soccer, 402, 936
Sontag, Susan, 789
Sosa, Sammy, 791
South Park, 792
Space exploration, 794
Space shuttle program, 795
Spelling, Tori, 100
Spielberg, Steven, 748
Spoken word movement, 799


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