The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

genetics, 149; prostate, 559;
research,148-150; smoking and,
559; treatments, 149
Capitol shooting.SeeU.S. Capitol
Capriati, Jennifer, 640
Car industry.SeeAutomobile
Carangi, Gia, 415
Carbajal, Michael, 116
Carey, Mariah,150-151, 1004
Carpal tunnel syndrome,152-153
Carrey, Jim, 153 , 213, 446
Carson, Johnny, 504
CART.SeeChampionship Auto
Racing Teams
Carter, Chris, 947
Cartoonists, 214
Carvey, Dana, 600
Case, Steve, 34
Casey, Robert, Sr., 300
Casinos, 501, 605
Casual Fridays, 154
Catholic Church, 98, 709
CATIA (software), 49
Cato, Gavin, 231
Cato Institute, 786
Cats(Lloyd Webber), 852
Cattrall, Kim, 764
CBS.SeeColumbia Broadcasting
CD-ROM technology, 897
CDC.SeeCenters for Disease
Control and Prevention
CDs.SeeCompact discs
Cédras, Raoul, 399
Celebrex, 274, 557
Celera Genomics, 437
Cell phones,154-155, 754
Censorship,155-157; art, 550; Gulf
War and, 202; television and, 172
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 912
Cetus Corporation, 458
Championship Auto Racing Teams,
Chan, Marty, 851
Chandler v. Miller(1997), 371
Chandra X-Ray Observatory, 793
Charles, RuPaul Andre.SeeRuPaul

Charlottetown Accord, 106,159-160,
Charter schools, 288
Chase, The(Brooks), 121
Chávez, Julio César, 116
Cheers, 350
Chemistry, 614, 755
Chemotherapy, 149
Cheney, Dick,160-161, 797
Cher, 110
Chestnut, Jacob, 885
Chi (life energy), 327
Chicago(Kander and Ebb), 852
Chicago Bulls, 90, 471, 801
Chicago Cubs, 428, 791
Chicago heat wave of 1995,161-163
Chick lit,163-165
Child Online Protection Act (1998),
Child Pilot Safety Act (1996), 277
Child pornography,165-167, 489,
Child Pornography Prevention Act
(1996), 166
Child Protection and Obscenity
Enforcement Act (1986), 165
Child Support Recovery Act (1992),
Children; games, 678; literature for,
167-171, 405, 914; poverty, 135;
television for,171-174, 840, 908;
television ratings system, 872;
tobacco advertising and, 470
Children’s Internet Protection Act,
Children’s Online Privacy Protection
Act (1998), 157, 988
Children’s Television Act (1990),
172,174-175, 840
China; Kyoto Protocol and, 496;
Taiwan Strait Crisis, 176; United
States and,175-177, 347
Chinese Americans, 60
Chlorofluorocarbons, 188
Chopra, Deepak,177-178, 712
Chrétien, Jean, 147,178-179, 296,
Chris-Craft Industries, 884
Christian Coalition,179-181, 711
Christian Identity, 581, 847
Christian literature, 510
Christian Right.See Religious Right
Christianity, 98, 322, 552, 709-710;
intelligent design movement, 452;

men’s movement, 687; popular
culture and, 945
Christie, Linford, 639
Christopher, Warren, 175,182-183,
Christopher Commission, 182, 486
Chronic, The(Dr. Dre), 243, 418
Chrysler Corporation, 70, 306
Chung, Connie, 59
Church and state; separation of, 452,
Church Arsons Prevention Act
(1996), 406
Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v.
Hialeah(1993), 824, 991
Ciccone, Madonna.SeeMadonna
Cigarettes.SeeTobacco; Smoking
Cincinnati Ballet, 78
Cincinnati Contemporary Arts
Center, 156, 550
Cirque du Soleil,183-184
Cisco Systems, 455
Citizens Against Government Waste,
Citizens for Community Values, 550
City of Boerne v. Flores(1997), 824, 994
City of Edmonds v. Oxford House, Inc.
(1995), 825
City of Ladue v. Gilleo(1994), 825
City Slickers, 959
Civil Rights Act (1991), 11,184-186,
698, 930, 983
Civil unions, 75, 432.See also
Domestic partnerships; Marriage;
Same-sex marriage
Clapton, Eric, 590, 1005
Clarity Act (2000), 107, 178, 695
Clark, Marcia, 776
Class conflict, 530
Classical music,186-187, 662
Clean Air Act (1970), 20
Clean Air Act (1990),187-188, 983
Clear Channel, 836
Clementine (spacecraft), 62, 793
Clements, Marie, 850
Clergy, 98
Cleveland Indians, 85
Clicking(Popcorn), 682
Clifford, Clark, 745
Clinton, Bill, 131, 147, 182,188-191,
219, 261, 298, 300, 302, 664, 717,
902; Africa and, 8; campaign


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