The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Elections, U.S.; midterm, 219, 223,
Elections of 1990, U.S., 297
Elections of 1992, U.S., 124, 130,
190, 197,299-302, 514, 664, 707,
954; religion and, 711
Elections of 1994, U.S., 298, 716
Elections of 1996, U.S., 125, 190,
261,302-306, 343, 514, 665, 707,
Elections of 1998, U.S., 298
Electric car,306-308
Electronic learning aids, 864
Electronic mail.See E-mail
Electronic music,308-309, 595
Ellen, 248
E-mail,310-311, 456, 754; business
and, 310; fraud, 310; spam, 310,
Embassy bombings in Africa.See
U.S. embassy bombings in Africa
Emergency Unemployment
Compensation Act (1991), 983
Eminem, 597
Emmy Awards, 53, 202, 248, 315,
351, 353, 541, 593, 621, 627, 762,
764, 811, 920, 979
Emotional intelligence, 690
Emotions(Carey), 150
Employment; Canada,311-312, 447;
discrimination, 184; immigration
and, 440; medical leave, 323;
United States, 134,312-314;
women, 925-928
Employment Division, Department of
Human Resources of the State of
Oregon v. Smith(1990), 990
Employment Equity Act (1995), 699
En Vogue, 597, 1005
Energy Policy Act (1992), 17, 984
English-only education, 508
English Patient, The(Ondaatje), 518,
Eno, Brian, 308
Ensler, Eve, 890
Entertainment Software Rating
Board, 898
Entrepreneurs, 100, 810, 870
Environmental issues, 102, 111, 128,
187, 281-282, 365, 374, 378, 495,
740, 826, 906; psychology and,
Environmental Protection Agency,
21, 906

EPA.SeeEnvironmental Protection
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 185
Equal Rights Amendment, 930
ER, 202,314-315
ERA.SeeEqual Rights Amendment
Erin Brockovich, 723
Eritrea, 8
Eros (asteroid), 794
Erotic films, 89, 335, 771
Escobar, Andrés, 935
Etheridge, Melissa,315-316
Ethics in Government Act (1978),
Ethiopia, 8
Ethnic autobiographies, 524
Ethnic cleansing, 113
Europe, North America and,316-317
European Space Agency, 433
Evans, Faith, 1006
“Even Flow” (Pearl Jam), 386
Event horizon, 757
Evita, 544
Evolution; creationism and, 452
Excalibur (megaresort), 501
Excite (search engine), 760
Exercise, 829
Experimental poetry, 677
Expressed sequence tags, 458

FAA.SeeFederal Aviation
Fadeley, Kenneth, 730
Fads,319-320, 678, 829
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 576
Fairness Doctrine, 833
Falsey, John, 621
Faludi, Susan,320-321
Falwell, Jerry, 179,321-323
Families, 250; blended, 104-106;
representations of, 778
Family and Medical Leave Act
(1993), 323 , 927, 931, 985
Fantasy football, 420
Fantasy literature, 405
Far Side, The(Larson), 214
Faragher v. City of Boca Raton(1998),
Fargo, 206, 963
Farian, Frank, 573

Farm Aid, 340
Farming, 652; Canada, 14; science
and technology, 17; United States,
Farrakhan, Louis, 10,323-324, 574-
Farrell, Perry, 525
Farrow, Mia, 27
Fashion,325-327, 945; body art, 835;
grunge, 385, 387; hairstyles, 398-
399; heroin chic, 415-416;
lingerie, 896; pop cultural
influences, 325; professional
attire, 326; technology and, 326;
women, 325; workplace and, 154;
youth, 325
Fat of the Land, The(The Prodigy),
FBI.SeeFederal Bureau of
FCC.SeeFederal Communications
FDA.SeeFood and Drug
Federal Agriculture Improvement
and Reform Act (1996), 15, 987
Federal Aviation Administration,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 582,
632, 730, 874, 879, 888, 900, 938
Federal Communications
Commission, 172, 174, 809, 837,
840, 872
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation Improvement Act
(1991), 984
Federal government shutdown of
1995, 304-305, 369
Federal Networking Council, 454
Federal Reserve, U.S., 381, 704
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Amendments (1972), 906
Federal Work Force Restructuring
Act (1994), 986
Fehr, Donald, 87
Fein, Ellen, 732
Feinberg, Leslie, 865
Feldstein, Martin, 786
Feliciano, Lydia, 404
Feminism, 96, 320, 789; film, 854;
literature, 163; theater, 853, 890
Feminist Majority Foundation, 930
Feng shui,327-328
Fen-phen, 328 , 666


Subject Index
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