The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Gangsta rap, 10, 243, 418, 596.See
alsoHip-hop and rap music
Gangster films, 376
Gardner Museum art theft, 354
Gargan, Jack, 707
Garrison, William, 788
Garth, Jennie, 99
Gaspra (asteroid), 61
Gates, Bill,354-355, 567
Gates, Daryl, 528
GATT.SeeGeneral Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade
Gauthier, Daniel, 183
Gay men; representations of, 667,
838, 920
Gay panic defense, 466
Gay rights, 75, 246, 263-264, 290,
431-433, 696, 728, 733.See also
Gebser v. Lago Vista Independent School
District(1998), 995
Gehrig, Lou, 83, 721
Gehry, Frank, 49,356-357
Gender Education and Advocacy,
Gender identity, 865
Gender roles, 926
Gene therapy, 755
General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade, 940
General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade Implementation Act
(1994), 985
General Motors, 69, 306, 742; EV1,
306, 743; strike of 1998,357-358
Generation X, 359
Generation Y,358-360
Genetic engineering,360-361;
animals, 360; medicine, 360;
plants, 361
Genetically modified foods, 339,361-
365 ; controversy, 362, 365;
marketing of, 360
Genetics;Alzheimer’s disease and, 32;
cancer, 149; human genome, 435-
437, 755; innovations, 457;
mapping, 365, 435; patents, 458;
Genocide; Rwanda, 8, 347
Genome; human, 364, 435-437, 755
George(magazine), 478
George, Tony, 69
Gephardt, Dick, 367
Gerald’s Game(King), 486

Germany, 637
Gerrymandering, 767
Get on the Bus, 510
Get Shorty, 962
Getty Center, 49
Ghost, 959
Gibson, John, 885
GIF.SeeGraphics interchange
Gifford, Kathie Lee, 368
Giga Pets, 863
Gigante, Vincent, 545
Gingrich, Newt, 219, 223, 298, 305,
369-370, 514, 717, 745; Bill
Clinton and, 305, 369
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader,370-371, 822
Girard, François, 332
Girl, Interrupted, 739
Girl You Know It’s True(Milli Vanilli),
Giuliani, Rudolph,371-373
Glaspie, April, 388
Glass ceiling, 925
Glazner, Gary Mex, 798
GLBT.SeeGay rights;
Homosexuality; Transgender
Glengarry Glen Ross, 960
Glenn, John,373-374, 795
Global Positioning System, 754
Global warming, 378, 495, 609;
debate over,374-376
Globalization, 136, 939; immigration
and, 312
Glover, Calvin, 431
Glück, Louise, 677
Goals 2000 (1994), 284-285, 288
Godfather: Part III, The, 959
Gods and Monsters, 964
Golden Rice, 362
Goldman, Ronald, 775
Goldstein, Baruch, 464
Golf, 931
Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody
Dance Now)(C+C Music Factory),
González, Elián, 714
González, Humberto, 116
González, Julio, 404
Goo Goo Dolls, 1006
Good Will Hunting, 239, 964
GoodFellas, 376 , 959
Goods and Services Tax, 296, 592
Google, 760, 943

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 130, 208, 316,
346, 734
Gordon, Jeff,376-377, 803
Gore, Al, 143, 189, 282, 300, 303,
Gossard, Stone, 386
Gotti, John, 545
Governors, 892, 917, 919
Graf, Steffi, 802, 842
Grafton, Sue,379-380
Graham, Billy, 711
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999), 989
Grammer, Kelsey, 350
Grammy Awards, 10, 121, 150, 309,
315, 498, 544, 574, 611, 663, 763,
783, 1012
Grant, Amy, 1006
Graphic design, sustainable, 827
Graphics interchange format, 942
Graves, Michael,380-381
Gray, John, 560
Green Building Council, U.S., 49,
Green Day, 1006
Green design.SeeSustainable design
Green Mile, The(King), 487
Green River, 385
Greenhouse gases, 374, 495
Greenspan, Alan, 137,381-382, 704,
Gregory v. Ashcroft(1991), 990
Griffey, Ken, Jr., 85,382-383, 428
Grisham, John, 384
Groening, Matt, 778
Grohl, Dave, 387, 612
Groundhog Day, 961
Grunge fashion, 319, 325, 385 , 387
Grunge music, 29,385-387, 526, 596,
612.See alsoAlternative rock;
Rock music
Grutter v. Bollinger et al.(2003), 185
Guerrero, Alfredo, 483
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 49
Gulf War, 130, 346,388-392, 569,
753, 755, 797; aftermath, 389;
Dick Cheney and, 160; CNN
coverage of, 202-204; Israel and,
463; Patriot missile, 659; United
Nations and, 882
Gulf War syndrome,392-393
Gun control, 212, 230,393-395, 572,
Guns N’ Roses, 1006
Gurdon, John, 364


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