The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

McCaughey septuplets, 535
McCleskey v. Zant(1991), 824
McCormack, Eric, 920
McCourt, Frank, 524, 536
McDonough, William, 827
McDormand, Frances, 206
McDougal, James and Susan, 197,
746, 915
Mace, Nancy, 924
McEntire, Reba, 225,537-538, 1008
McGraw, Tim, 1008
McGreevey, Jim, 918
McGruder, Aaron, 215
McGwire, Mark, 85, 427,538-539,
791, 801
McKinney, Aaron, 431, 769
McKnight, Brian, 1008
MacLachlan, Kyle, 876
McLachlan, Sarah, 1008
McLachlin, Beverley, 929
MacLeod, Alistair, 518
McMillan, Terry,540-541
McNally, Terrence,541-542, 852
MacNicol, Peter, 28
McVeigh, Timothy,542-543, 572, 632;
Waco siege and, 901
Maddux, Greg, 85
Madonna, 309,543-544, 1008, 1080
Madsen v. Women’s Health Center, Inc.
(1994), 992
MADtv, 505
Magellan (spacecraft), 61, 793
Magic Eye pictures,546-547
Magic: The Gathering, 419
Magnetospheric eternally collapsing
objects, 757
Magnificent Seven (gymnastics), 819
Magnolia, 234
Maher, Bill, 505
Maier, Hermann, 646
Major League Baseball, 82-87, 382,
427, 538, 721, 790, 801
Major League Baseball Players
Association, 84, 87
Major League Soccer, 937
Makaveli.SeeShakur, Tupac
Malcolm X, 510, 905, 960
Mall of America,547-549
Malone, Karl,549-550
Malware, 397
Manbeck, Harry F., 460
Mandalay Bay (megaresort), 502

Mandela, Nelson, 8, 145
Manes, Mark, 211
Mangini, Janet, 470
Manning, Preston, 297
Manufacturing; Canada, 132; United
States, 134
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 156, 550
Mapplethorpe obscenity trial,550-
Maquiladoras, 564
Marijuana, 276
Marilyn Manson,552-553
Marino, Dan, 341
Maris, Roger, 427
Marketing, 4, 310, 682, 780, 796;
direct-to-consumer, 274, 666;
telemarketing, 836-837
Marriage; divorce and, 250,553-554;
interracial, 579, 700; same-sex, 75,
246, 263, 290, 432, 554.See also
Civil unions; Domestic
Marrow, Tracy.SeeIce-T
Mars Climate Orbiter, 556
Mars exploration, 62,554-556, 756,
Mars Global Surveyor, 555
Mars Observer, 555
Mars Pathfinder, 555
Mars Polar Lander, 556
Marsh, Mike, 640
Marshall, Barry, 558
Marshall, Thurgood, 855
Martha Stewart Living, 810
Martin, Christy, 116
Martinez, Pedro, 85
Martins, Peter, 77
Mary Angelica, Mother, 711
Maryland v. Craig(1990), 990
Mase, 1008
Mass murderers, 328, 404
Master P, 1008
Master Settlement Agreement, 860
Matasareanu, Emil, 620
Maternity leave, 323
Mathematics, 330
Mathilde (asteroid), 793
Matrix, The,556-557, 706, 966
Maus(Spiegelman), 521
Mayors, 81, 259, 371
MC Hammer, 1008
MC Lyte, 1008
Meat Loaf, 1008
Media consolidation, 836

Medicaid, 409
Medicare, 76, 409, 786
Medications, 665, 895; AIDS, 18;
antidepressants, 41-43; HIV, 558;
nicotine patch, 610; painkillers,
557; weight loss, 328
Medicine,557-560; alternative, 177,
909; fertility drugs, 535;
innovations, 457; integrative, 909;
laparoscopic surgery, 499-500;
LASIK surgery, 503-504
Meech Lake Accord, 106, 159, 592
Megamalls, 547
Meier, Richard, 49
Melissa computer virus, 396
Memoirs, 524, 536
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
Men in Black, 964
Menendez, Erik, 561
Menendez, Lyle, 561
Menendez brothers murder case,
Mercado Común del Sur.See
Southern Common Market
Merck, 41, 275, 283
Mergers and acquisitions, 70, 141,
691, 836
Meriwether, John, 381
MessagePad, 660
Messing, Debra, 920
Metallica,562-563, 1008
Metallica(Metallica), 562
Methamphetamine, 276
MetLife scandal,563-564
Metropolitan, 959
Mexico; economic bailout, 564;
international trade, 619; United
States and,564-565
Meyer, Elana, 639
MGM Grand, 502
Michael, George, 1009
Michelangelo computer virus, 396,
Michigan Militia, 572
Microfiber, 326
Microsoft, 354, 455,566-568, 942;
antitrust lawsuit, 567; Windows,
217, 355, 468, 567
Middle East; North America and,
568-571; writers, 523
MIDI.SeeMusical instrument digital
Midnight basketball,571-572


The Nineties in America
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