The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Laettner, Christian, 91
Lagasse, Emeril, 340,497-498
LaHaye, Tim, 510
Laliberté, Guy, 183
Land mines, 345
Land Remote Sensing Policy Act
(1992), 984
Landgraf v. USI Film Products et al.
(1994), 185
Landscape architecture, sustainable,
Landslides, 607
Lang, K. D.,498-499
Lang, Michael, 933
Lange, Thomas, 639
Language, 779
Lansbury, Angela, 96
Laparoscopic surgery,499-500
LaPierre, Cherilyn Sarkisian.See
Larry Sanders Show, The,500-501
Larson, Gary, 214
Larson, Jonathan, 714, 852
Las Vegas, 183; megaresorts,501-503
Laser discs, 278
LASIK surgery,503-504
Last of the Mohicans, The, 960
Late night television,504-505
Latin America,505-506
Latinos,507-509, 586, 698; art and,
56; athletes, 790; college and, 508;
physicians, 624; poets, 30;
political appointees, 508; singers,
762; violence against, 529; writers,
30, 523
Law enforcement; technology and,
Lawless, Lucy, 948
Lazarus, Edward, 605
Leaded gasoline, 188
Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design, 49, 827
League of Their Own, A, 960
LeapFrog, 864
LeBlanc, Matt, 352
Lee, Spike,509-510
Lee-Gartner, Kerrin, 637
Lee Teng-hui, 176
Lee v. Weisman(1992), 711, 824, 990
Left Behind books (LaHaye and
Lehman, Bruce A., 459
Lehman v. Zurko(1999), 459
Leiter, Darryl, 757

LeMay Doan, Catriona, 647
Lemelson, Jerome, 459
Lemieux, Mario, 802
Leno, Jay, 504
Lesbians, 141, 247, 315, 498;
representations of, 89, 838, 948
Lethem, Jonathan, 521
Letterman, David, 504
Levy, David H., 61, 756, 770
Lewinsky, Monica, 191, 194, 197,
511, 746, 805, 869
Lewinsky scandal, 191, 194, 197,511-
513 , 746, 805, 869; Drudge
Report and, 273
Lewis, Carl, 640, 645
Lewis, Lennox, 877
LGBT.SeeGay rights;
Homosexuality; Transgender
Li Peng, 175
Liberal Party, 178, 296, 344
Liberalism; comic strips, 215;
conservatism and, 234; political,
Liberation Army Fifth Battalion, 938
Life After Death(Notorious B.I.G.),
Life coaching,515-516
Life expectancy, 134, 251, 408
Lifsh, Yosef, 232
Lilly v. Virginia(1999), 996
Limbaugh, Rush,516-517, 832
Lindh, Hilary, 637
Line Item Veto Act (1996),517-518,
Lion King, The(film), 962
Lion King, The(musical; John and
Rice), 120, 852
Lipinsky, Tara, 647
Lipitor, 666
Literature, 657, 677, 688, 729, 798,
817, 883, 997; African American,
9, 39, 490, 523, 540, 585; Asian
American, 523; awards, 1000;
Canada,518-520, 580, 649; chick
lit, 163-165; for children, 167-171,
405, 914; Christian, 510; crime,
379; environmental, 282; fantasy,
405; feminist, 96, 320, 789;
horror, 486, 719; Latino, 30, 523;
legal thriller, 384; Middle Eastern,
523; Native American, 523;
nonfiction, 177, 487, 524, 536;
postmodern, 521, 903; regional,

524; romance, 318; self-help, 560,
732, 750; short fiction, 521;
United States,520-525.See also
specific authors and genres
Little Women, 739
Liu, Lucy, 28, 59
Live Through This(Hole), 532
LL Cool J, 1007
Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 119, 852
Load(Metallica), 562
Lobbying Disclosure Act (1995), 986
Lobo, Rebecca, 928
Lockouts; baseball, 84
Long Island Lolita case,527-528
Long Island Rail Road murders.See
Ferguson, Colin
Longtime Companion, 959
Lopez, Fidel, 529
Lopez, United States v.(1995), 825, 993
Los Angeles Lakers, 651
Los Angeles Philharmonic, 186
Los Angeles Police Department, 204,
485, 528, 620, 681
Los Angeles riots, 59, 204, 486,528-
531 , 699
Louima, Abner, 11, 531, 681
Louima torture case, 11,531-532,
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 760
Love, Courtney,532-533, 613
Love! Valour! Compassion!(McNally),
541, 852
Lucas, Craig, 852
Lucas, George, 803
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council
(1992), 825, 990
Lucid, Shannon,533-534, 795
Lueders, Pierre, 647
Lumber industry, 133, 179
Lunar Prospector, 794
Luntz, Frank, 223
Lutz, Robert, 70
Luxor (megaresort), 502
Lycos (search engine), 760
Lynch, David, 875
Lyte, MC.SeeMC Lyte

“Macarena” (Los del Río), 319
McCaffrey, Barry, 565
McCarthy, Cormac, 521
McCartney, Bill, 687
McCartney, Paul, 590
McCaughey, Bobbi, 535


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