The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Progressive Conservative Party.See
Conservative Party
Project for the New American
Century, 923
Project Gutenberg,686-687
Project on Social Security
Privatization, 786
Promise Keepers,687-688
Propaganda, 871
Proposition 187.SeeCalifornia
Proposition 187
Proposition 209.SeeCalifornia
Proposition 209
Prostate cancer, 559
Prostitution, 337
Protestantism, 709-710
Proulx, Annie,688-689
Prozac, 42
Psychology,689-691; environment
and, 327; popular, 560
Publishing, 167, 474, 478, 686,691-
692 ; Dead Sea scrolls, 242-243
Puck, Wolfgang, 340
Puff Daddy.SeeCombs, Sean
Pulitzer Prizes, 23, 41, 321, 490, 519,
536, 677, 689, 715, 817, 852, 884,
Pulp Fiction,692-693, 834, 867, 962

Qaeda, al-.SeeAl-Qaeda
Qi (life energy).SeeChi
Quality Housing and Work
Responsibility Act (1998), 988
Quarks, 755
Quayle, Dan, 301, 593,694-695
Quebec, 159, 295; film in, 332;
sovereignist movement, 106, 147,
178, 695
Quebec referendum (1995), 106,
Queer Nation,696-697
Quill Corporation v. North Dakota by
and Through Heitkamp(1992),
Quiz Show, 962

R. A. V. v. City of St. Paul(1992), 406,
R&B music, 150, 597
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
Rabbit at Rest(Updike), 884
Rabin, Yitzhak, 190, 464, 569

Race relations, 530,698-701, 777
Rachel, the (hairstyle), 319, 326,
Racial conflicts, 11, 59, 231, 528, 586,
Racial profiling, 255, 530
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (1970), 545
Radio, 836; advertising, 5; talk, 516,
749, 809, 832-833
Rage Against the Machine, 526
Rahman, Omar Abdel, 938
Railway Killer.SeeReséndiz, Ángel
Raines v. Byrd(1997), 517
Rallies, 574, 687.See also
Ralph Lauren, 325
Ralsky, Alan, 797
Ramirez, United States v.(1998), 996
Ramos, Tab, 935
Ramsey, JonBenét, 701
Ramsey murder case,701-703
Rap music.SeeHip-hop and rap
Rape, 479
Rappers, 765, 782
Rauscher, Frances H., 588
Raves, 284; electronic music and,
Ray of Light(Madonna), 309, 544
Raymond, Roy, 896
Raymond, Usher, IV.SeeUsher
Razek, Edward G., 896
Read My Mind(McEntire), 537
Reagan, Ronald, 129, 223
Real wages, 135, 447, 576, 704
Real World, The, 703 , 838
Realignment; baseball, 82, 86;
hockey, 421
Reality Bites, 739
Reality television, 703, 838
Rebagliati, Ross, 647
Recession of 1990-1991, 134, 311-
312, 683,703-705
Reciprocal Beneficiaries Act (1997),
Record labels, 243
Recording Industry Association of
America, 156
Recreation; hobbies and, 419-421
Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1010
Redford, Robert, 820
Redgrave, Steve, 639

Redmond, Derek, 639
Redress payments to Japanese
Americans, 59
Reed, Ralph, 180
Reeve, Christopher,705-706, 807
Reeves, Keanu, 556,706-707
Reform Party, Canada, 159, 296
Reform Party, U.S., 302, 665,707-
708 , 893
Refugees, 8, 249, 400, 493, 858
Rehnquist, William H., 822
Reinking, Ann, 853
Religion, 322, 467, 552; Canada,708-
710 ; controversies, 712; politics
and, 234, 711; science and, 452;
United States,710-713
Religious cults, 413, 900
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
(1993), 824, 985
Religious Right, 179, 321, 711
R.E.M., 1010
Remixing, 309
Renaissance Cars, 306
Reno, Janet,713-714, 902
Reno v. ACLU(1997), 824, 995
Rent(Larson), 120,714-716, 852
Reproductive cloning, 200
Reproductive rights, 1, 675, 737, 823,
Republican National Convention
(1992), 124, 235
Republican Party, 124, 129, 161, 194,
198, 219-220, 261, 277, 298-299,
303, 322, 369, 514, 716, 917
Republican Revolution, 51, 180, 219,
223, 298, 369,716-718
Research In Motion, 660
Reséndiz, Ángel Maturino,718-719
Reservoir Dogs, 834, 961
Resolution Trust Corporation
Competition Act (1993), 985
Resolution Trust Corporation
Funding Act (1991), 983
Resorts, Las Vegas, 501-503
Restaurants, 340
Restructuring; downsizing and,270-
Retailing, 547, 896, 904; online, 33,
267, 691, 943
Reumayr, Alfred Heinz, 848
Reversal of Fortune, 959
Reznor, Trent, 552, 611
Rheaume, Manon, 802
Rhymes, Busta, 1004


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