The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Pérec, Marie-José, 644
Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier, 882
Perfect Moment, The(art exhibition),
Perfect Storm, the,661-662
Performance poetry.SeeSpoken
word movement
Perlman, Itzhak,662-663
Perot, H. Ross, 131, 190, 301-302,
664-665, 707, 813
Perry, Luke, 99
Perry, Matthew, 352
Perry, Roger, 869
Perry, William, 176
Persian Gulf Resolution (1991), 984
Persian Gulf War.See Gulf War
Persian Gulf War Veterans’ Benefits
Act (1991), 984
Personal digital assistants,659-661
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act
(1996), 137, 910-912, 987
Pesci, Joe, 376
Peterson, Daniel, 582
Peterson, Peter G., 786
Petrenko, Viktor, 637
Pfizer, 253, 274, 895
Pharmaceutical industry, 42, 274,
665-667.See alsoDrug advertising
Philadelphia, 3, 403,667-668, 961
Philbin, Regis, 368
Philips, 279
Phillips, Larry, Jr., 620
Philosophy, Eastern, 327
Phineas Priesthood, 847
Phoenix, River,668-669
Photography, 57, 489, 550,669-670,
908; digital, 258
Photojournalists, 670
Phreaking, 396
Physician-assisted suicide, 481,670-
Physicians, 294, 410, 481, 624, 909
Physics, 614, 755; theoretical, 818
Pigs in Heaven(Kingsolver), 487
Pilatus, Rob, 574
Pinsent, Matthew, 639
Pitt, Brad,672-673
Pittsburgh Penguins, 421, 802
Pixar, 158, 468,673-675
Planned Parenthood v. Casey(1992), 1,
675-676, 823), 991
Plasma screens,676-677
Play(Moby), 308

Play About the Baby, The(Albee), 24
Player, The, 960
PlayStation, 897
Playwrights, 23, 40, 541, 851-852
Pleasantville, 965
Plotkin, Faith.SeePopcorn, Faith
Pluralism, religious, 712
Pluto, 62
P.M. Dawn, 1009
PMRC.SeeParents’ Music Resource
Poetry,677-678; for children, 171;
slams, 798; spoken word, 798-800
Poets, 30, 39, 490, 649, 883
Poets laureate, 677, 817
Pogs,678-679, 863
Point pollution, 906
Poisonwood Bible, The(Kingsolver),
Pokémon(video game), 898
Pokémon franchise,679-680
Police brutality, 485, 528, 531,680-
Policing, community-oriented, 228
Poliomyelitis, 558
Political advisers, 74, 808, 922
Political advocacy, 726
Political appointees, 25, 122, 160,
182, 207, 294, 477, 508, 624, 685,
Political commentators, 651
Political correctness,Seinfeldand,
Politically Incorrect, 504
Politicians, 10, 51, 74, 81, 110, 124,
129, 144, 160, 178, 188, 191, 207,
259-260, 277, 367, 369, 371, 373,
377, 477, 591, 664, 694, 892, 917,
919, 954
Politics; Canadian elections, 295;
conservatism, 124, 129, 219-220,
716; liberalism, 513-515;
neoconservatism, 922; religion
and, 234, 711; strategists, 584;
third-party, 707; U.S. elections,
297, 299, 302
Pollock, Sharon, 850
Pollution; air, 20-21, 187; water, 906-
Polly (sheep), 200
Pop music, 117, 120, 150, 225, 498,
543, 573, 583, 590, 595, 631;
electronic music and, 309; teen
performers, 598.See alsoBoy

bands; Music; Rock music;
Pop psychology, 560, 690
Popcorn, Faith,682-683
Popcorn Report, The(Popcorn), 682
Pope John Paul II.SeeJohn Paul II
Popov, Alexander, 639, 645
Population; Canada, 248; United
States, 250
Pornography; child, 165-167, 489,
824; women and, 930
Portland Trail Blazers, 90
Positive psychology, 690
Postcards(Proulx), 688
Postmodernism; architecture, 49; art,
491; film, 692, 758; literature,
521, 903; music, 186
Potts, Erin, 858
Potts, Larry, 730
Poulsen, Kevin, 396
Pournelle, Jerry, 107
Poverty, 135, 161, 250, 449, 605,683-
685 , 929
Powell, Colin,685-686
Power plants; pollution, 188
Prayer, public, 236, 583, 824
Preppy fashion, 325
Presidential Commission on the
Assignment of Women in the
Armed Forces, 923
Presidential elections.SeeElections
of 1992, U.S.; Elections of 1996,
Presidential Primary Matching
Payment Account Act
Amendments (1999), 989
President’s Council on Year 2000
Conversion, 950
President’s Task Force on National
Health Care Reform, 192, 412
Pretty Woman, 722, 959
Price fixing, 47
Priestley, Jason, 99
Primary Colors, 965
Prince, 1009
Print on demand, 691
Printz v. United States(1997), 394,
825, 995
Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act (1995), 986
Prodigy, The, 308
Product placement, 5, 840
Professional Real Estate Investors, Inc. v.
Columbia Pictures(1993), 825


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