
(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Thursday, June 27, 2024 35

M-F 11am-9 pm
SAT 11am-6 pm

Under new


This summer, Leelu Rutledge,
12, of Battle Creek, will attend
Interlochen Arts Camp, the nation’s
premier summer arts program for
aspiring artists in grades 3-12.
Rutledge, the daughter of Jennifer
and Jonathan, will study Arts Merge
and Visual Arts at Interlochen,
according to a press release.
Leelu previously attended St.
Joseph Middle School and is an avid
self-taught visual and digital artist.
“Besides loving art and all it
encompasses, [she] loves her dogs
and cats, and also loves playing golf
and creating and editing videos of
everything and anything,” the press
release stated.
Students ages 8-18 from around
the world come to Interlochen to
expand their capacity in music, the-
ater, dance, creative writing, visual
arts, interdisciplinary arts and film
through daily classes and perfor-
mance opportunities.
“We are excited to welcome
students to the 97th season of
Interlochen Arts Camp,” said Trey
Devey, president of Interlochen
Center for the Arts. “It is truly thrill-
ing to witness the remarkable growth

Local young artist to

attend Interlochen camp

Leelu Rutledge

that takes place at Interlochen as
students discover their potential,
take their talent to the next level, and
share what they’ve learned with their
family and friends.”

Employee group helps State Police focus on diversity

Michigan State Police members
seeking a sense of community have
found their place in the employee-
led African-American Employee
Resource Group (AAERG), one of
the department’s commitments to
diversity that is highlighted in a new
video series marking Black History

“Being part of and leading the
AAERG is a source of gratitude for
me,” said Sgt. DiJon Ware, AAERG
co-chair. “It not only instills a sense
of belonging but also nurtures inclu-
sivity. ... “Over the past year, we’ve
educated both our members and allies
about African-American culture, and
we’ve proactively forged connections

within our communities through vari-
ous outreach events across the state.”
Recruiting new and diverse appli-
cants remains a priority, a recent
Michigan State Police (MSP) press
release stated.
With continued support from Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer and the legisla-
ture, the MSP has received funding
to hire and train new troopers each
fiscal year.
“You have my commitment that
my staff and I will work to earn trust
and build relationships across the
state that will ensure a future talent
pipeline that includes all components
of diversity, which will make for a
better MSP committed to building
a Michigan where everyone feels
safe and secure,” said Col. James F.
Grady II, director of the MSP.
Information on careers with MSP
can be found at
The AAERG was established in
2022 and has grown to now include
60 members from across the depart-
Throughout February, which is
Black History Month, the MSP is
recognizing and honoring the con-
tributions of its Black members,
including those in the AAERG, in a
series of videos.
“With each of our ERGs [employee
resource group], we move one step
closer to building a culture where
together is always better,” said Insp.
Sarah Krebs, chief Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion officer.
Within the MSP, there are seven
ERGs: the AAERG, American
Indian, Asian Pacific Islander
American, Diverse Abilities, MSP
P.R.I.D.E. (Professionals Respecting

Credit Union
has named
Steve Scott
as its vice
president of
IT Business
brings a
wealth of
experience to
MCCU, hav-
ing worked in IT since 2005 and in
finance IT since 2010,” said spokes-
person Alyssa Jones.
Before joining MCCU, he served
as the IT manager for TRUE
Community Credit Union for five
“Scott’s ability to dissect issues in
a logical and analytical way is a sig-
nificant asset to the credit union and
navigating the complexities of finan-
cial IT systems,” Jones said.
“I am excited to join the team and
look forward to helping MCCU grow
and serve members to our greatest
potential,” said Scott. “I am particu-
larly interested in finding efficien-
cies, recommending enhancements
and implementing improvements to
advance the solutions available, both
internally and externally.”

Credit union names IT
Business Solutions VP

Steve Scott

the Identities of Everyone), MSP
Military Veteran, and Women
Leading Change.
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