Avar-Age Polearms and Edged Weapons. Classification, Typology, Chronology and Technology
188 CHAPTER 3 the silver (three examples).98 Characteristic of decoration with gold or silver foil is the frame of pearl-line or ...
Edged Weapons 189 This type is dated to the Early phase, and was usually accompanied by char- acteristic grave goods of the Bócs ...
190 CHAPTER 3 Figure 74 Single-edged swords with false edge (E.II.C): 1. Komárno–8 Shipyard, grave No. 30 (Trugly 1987, 256., Ab ...
Edged Weapons 191 Figure 75 Slightly curved sabres (E.III.A): 1. Bágyog–Gyűrhegy, grave No. 8 (Lovas 1929b, 255257, Fettich 1943 ...
192 CHAPTER 3 Simon who first described its transitional character as a proto-sabre,117 whilst its significance to the broader h ...
Edged Weapons 193 compared the 9.5 cm long crossguard of the Csúny (Čunovo) sword to similar Byzantine crossguards of the 10th-1 ...
194 CHAPTER 3 Besides sabres and single-edged swords with star-shaped crossguards, she also described a ‘late Saltovo type cross ...
Edged Weapons 195 be described as a segment of a circle created by a line between their ends. Therefore, every sabre blade can b ...
196 CHAPTER 3 The cross section of the blade is an important attribute, although it is rarely uniform and differs according to t ...
Edged Weapons 197 Site Grave No.Length (mm) Hilt-lengh (mm) Blade length (mm) Blade width (mm) Segment- height (mm) Curvature Bá ...
198 CHAPTER 3 Site Grave No. Length (mm) Hilt-lengh (mm) Blade length (mm) Blade width (mm) Segment- height (mm) Curvature Kehid ...
Edged Weapons 199 Site Grave No. Length (mm) Hilt-lengh (mm) Blade length (mm) Blade width (mm) Segment- height (mm) Curvature T ...
200 CHAPTER 3 Figure 76 Slightly curved sabres (E.III.A): 1. Mosonszentjános–Kavicsbánya, grave No. 27 (Fettich 1927, 166–168., ...
Edged Weapons 201 Figure 77 Curved sabres (E.III.B): 1. Iváncsa–Szabadság utca 20. (Bóna 1970, 243, 251. 8/5.); 2. Biatorbágy–Ho ...
202 CHAPTER 3 more frequent (25 examples, 62.5%)141 than sabre blades without crossguard (fifteen pieces).142 The type is evenly ...
Edged Weapons 203 Transylvania (map 34).146 Slightly curved sabres appeared already at the end of the Early phase,147 but became ...
204 CHAPTER 3 Figure 78 Curved sabres (E.III.B) 1. Kecskemét–Nyíri erdő (Hampel 1897, I. 46–47.); Kehidakustyán–Kehida, Központ ...
Edged Weapons 205 Figure 79 Curved sabres (E.III.B) 1. Košice–Šebastovce, grave No. 254 (Budinský-Krička – Točík 1991, 55–56, Ta ...
206 CHAPTER 3 Figure 80 Curved sabres (E.III.B) 1. Tiszakécske–Óbög, grave No. 1 (Garam 1991a, 129, 131, 2 kép 7.; 3. kép 2.); 2 ...
Edged Weapons 207 also known (12 pieces).151 The type is evenly distributed, being found in Trans- danubia,152 in the Danube – T ...
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