Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. This figure is a rough estimate made in the absence of adequate demographic re-
    cords. K. F. Knorring (commander-in-chief of the Caucasus) to Tsar Alexander, August 28,

  2. Population estimates for these principalities are even more conjectural than for
    Georgia, especially since most estimates were made during the Russian conquest of the area
    at a time when there were substantial population shifts. M. A. Atkin, "The Khanates of the
    Eastern Caucasus and the Origins of the First Russo-Iranian War," Ph.D. dissertation (Yale
    University, 1976), pp. 81, 95, 98, 105, 109, 111, 112, 117, 122; Bournoutian.

  3. Dubrovin, II, 29, 32, 34; P. G. Butkov, Materialy dlia novoi istorii Kavkaza s 1722
    po 1803 (3 vols., St. Petersburg, 1869), II, 142, 144.

  4. Ahmedbeg Javanshir, "O politicheskom sushchestvovanii Karabakhskogo khanstva
    (s 1747 po 1805 god)," E. B. Shukiurzade, trans., Istortia Karabakhskogo khanstva (Baku,
    1961), p. 75; E. Pzkravan, Abbas Mirza (2 vols., Tehran, 1958), I, 102.

  5. Reza Qoli Khan Hedayat, Rouzatos-Safd-ye Naseri (10 vols., Tehran, 1960), IX,
    265, 267-68, 271; Knorring to Alexander, July 28, 1801, Akty, I, 426; Lang, pp. 226-29.


  1. M. Raeff, "Patterns of Russian Imperial Policy toward the Nationalities," E. All-
    worth, ed., Soviet Nationality Problems (New York, 1971), pp. 24-29.

  2. H. Brougham, An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers (2 vols.,
    New York, 1970, facsimile reprint of Edinburgh 1803 edition), I, 2.

  3. Catherine to Prince Potemkin, May 5, 1783, SIRIO, XVII (1880), 256; N. Grigoro-
    vich, ed., "Kantsler Kniaz' Aleksandr Andreevich Bezborodko," SIRIO (2 vols., XXVI
    [1879] and XXIX [1881]), XXVI, 444.

  4. Rescript to Count A. G. Orlov (commander of Russian forces in the war against
    the Ottoman Empire, 1768-1774), March 22, 1771, SIRIO, I, 66.

  5. Note of Chancellor I. A. Osterman and Bezborodko on the conditions for conclud-
    ing peace with Turkey .... read in the council (State Council) December 16, 1788, Grigoro-
    vich, XXIX, 523.

  6. M. Raeff, Siberia and the Reforms of 1822 (Seattle, 1956), p. 6.

  7. M. V. Lomonosov, "Dratkoe opisanie raznykh puteshestvii" (l763),Polnoe sobra-
    nie sochinenii (10 vols., Moscow and Leningrad, 1950-1959). VI, 421-23, 494, 497.

  8. C. L. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, T. Nugent, trans.,
    F. Neumann, ed. (New York, 1966), pp. 331, 334-35, 360-64, 367.

  9. G. T. Raynal, Histoirephilosophique etpolitique des etablissemens et du commerce
    des Europeens dans les deux Indes, 2nd ed. (10 vols., Geneva, 1780), I, 2, 133-34, 266, 449-
    54, 477-79, II, 21, 233-34, 263-66, III, 246 ff.

  10. Ibid. II, 33-35, 96, III, 141-49, 167-70.

  11. P. A. Zubov, Shest'pisem o Gruziii o Kavkaze (Moscow, 1834), p. 60.

  12. Catherine to Iv. V. Gudovich (commander of the Caucasian Line, the Russian
    fortifications in the northern Caucasus), September 4, 1795, and Catherine's ukase to V. A.
    Zubov (commander of the 1796 Iranian campaign), February 19, 1796, Dubrovin, III, 22,

  13. Bell's Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia to Various Parts of Asia was first pub-
    lished in Glasgow in 1763 and in Russian in St. Petersburg in 1776. One of the French works
    was entitled Memoires historiques et geographiques sur les pays situees entre la mer Noire et
    la mer Caspienne (Paris, 1793). The second was translated into Russian as Istoriia o persid-

170 Notes

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