Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

shorn shakh Takhmasp Kuli Khane (3 eds., St. Petersburg, 1762, 1788, 1790). S. G. Gmelin,
Reise durch Russland (3 vols., St. Petersburg, 1770-1774). J. A. Giildenstadt, Reisen durch
Russland und in die Caucasischen Geburge (2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1787-1791).

  1. Pobuditel'nyia prichiny posol'stva Karabakhskikh Melikov, s istoricheskim opisa-
    niem otnositel'no, k Ego Imperatorskomu Velichestvu Petru Velikomu, i o izdannykh Imi-
    annykh Ego Ukaz na sii obstoiatel'stva (n.p., 1790).

  2. Manifesto to the Caucasian and Iranian peoples, March 27, 1796, and ukase to
    V. A. Zubov (commander of the 1796 campaign), February 10, 1796, and V. A. Zubov to
    General Rimskii-Korsakov, October 10,1796,Dubrovin.III,67, 79,127,175,177, 179,182.

  3. M. D. Chulkov, Istoricheskoe opisanie Rossiiskoi kommertsii (7 vols., St. Peters-
    burg, 1781-1788), II, book 2,185 ff., 256 ff., 270, 281 ff., 313,331 ff., 388, 402 ff., 451 ff.

  4. Catherine to Prince G. A. Potemkin, May 5, 1783, A. K. Grot, ed., "Bumagi Im-
    peratritsy Ekateriny II," SIRIO, XXVII (1880), 256.

  5. Catherine to V. A. Zubov, February 19, 1796, Dubrovin, III, 72-73.

  6. Ibid., Ill, 73.

  7. G. R. Derzhavin, "Napokorenie Derbenta," Stikhotvoreniia (Leningrad, 1957),p.

  8. Chulkov, VII, 252.

  9. Dubrovin, II, 183.

  10. Butkov, II, 95.

  11. G. A. Olivier, Voyage dans I'empire Othman, I'Egypte, et la Perse (3 vols., Paris,
    1807), III, 176.

  12. A. R. Ioannisian,"Russkaiadiplomatiiai Armianskii vopros v 80 kh godakh XVIII
    stoletiia," Voprosy istorii, VI (1947), 98; Dubrovin, II, 29-41.

  13. Ukase, April 19,1793, Butkov, II, 287; ukase to V. A. Zubov, February 19, 1796,
    Dubrovin, III, 9, 76, 120; Gudovich's reports to St. Petersburg, May 7 and September 13,
    1795, and Gudovich to Catherine, September 23 and 28, 1795, A. A. Tsagareli, Gramoty i
    drugie istoricheskie dokumenty XVIIIstoletiia otnosiashchiesia do Gruzii (3 vols., St. Peters-
    burg, 1891-1902), II, part ii, 89, 101-2, 108, 110.

  14. F. V. Rostopchin (Bezborodko's assistant) to S. R. Vorontsov (Russian ambassa-
    dor to Britain), February 22 and 24, 1796, AKV, VIII, 132, 137; Butkov, II, 359; Dubrovin,

  15. F. V. Rostopchin to S. R. Vorontsov, February 1, 1796, AKV, VIII, 124.

  16. loannisian, "Russkaia diplomatiia," p. 99. (There was no discussion of establish-
    ing a corridor to the Black Sea as an alternative route. St. Petersburg consistently underesti-
    mated the desire or the ability of Iranian rulers to enforce a claim to the eastern Caucasus,
    but Ottoman claims to the western Caucasus and that empire's naval presence on the Black
    Sea were treated more warily.)

  17. Catherine to V. A. Zubov, February 10, 1796, Dubrovin, III, 84.

  18. Gudovich to P. A. Zubov, October 8, 1795, Dubrovin, III, 17, 54, 105, 134 ff.;
    'Abbas Cjoli "Aqa Bakikhanov, Giulistan-Iram (Golestan-e Eram) (Baku, 1926), pp. 145-46;
    Derzhavin, pp. 255-59; "O Pokhode Rossiiskikh voisk v 1796 godu v Dagestan i Persiiu pod
    kommandoiu Grafa Valeriana Aleksandrovicha Zubova," Otechestvenyia zapiski, 1827, II,


  1. N. N. Beliavskii and V. A. Potto, Utverzhdenie Russkago vladychestva na Kavkaze
    (12 vols., Tiflis, 1901-1902), I, 18; Rostopchin to Vorontsov (initials unspecified), June 30,

Notes 171
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