Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin
- Reference to a letter from Paul to Gudovich, 1797, and Knorring to Alexander,
March 6, 1802, and Paul to Baba Khan, March 23, 1799, and Paul to Kovalenskii, April 17,
1799, ibid., I, 688, II, 1145, I, 96; session of the State Council, November 11, 1798, ACS,
II, column 726.
- Paul to Baba Khan, March 23, 1799, and Russian government's reply to Mirza
Sayyed Hasan (Path 'Ali's emissary to Paul), n.d. (1799), and College of Foreign Affairs to
Skibinevskii, July 27, 1800, Akty, II, 1145, 1146-47,1, 679, 82; sessions of the State Coun-
cil, October 1798 and November 11, 1798,^GS, II, columns 683, 726-27.
- Paul to Kovalenskii, April 16, 1799, and ukase of the College of Foreign Affairs,
July 19, 1799, and Paul to Knorring, July 10, 1800, Akty, I, 96, II, 1149, 106-7.
- Session of the State Council, December 17, 1800, ACS, II, columns 881-82; Lang,
pp. 226, 228, 230-32, 235-36, 239-45; Rhinelander.
- Hedayat, IX, 328; M. F. Brosset, ed. and trans., Histoire de la Georgie depuis I'an-
tiquite juqu'au XIXe siecle (4 parts, St. Petersburg, 1849), II, part ii, 267; Giorgi had also
made a very hesitant attempt to obtain the Porte's aid but changed his mind early in his ne-
gotiations with a border pasha, Lang, p. 228.
- Saul, pp. 126-48; A. M. Stanislavskaia, Russko-angliiskie otnosheniia i problemi
Sredizemnomor'ia (1798-1807) (Moscow, 1962), pp. 161-64.
- M. A. Atkin, "The Pragmatic Diplomacy of Paul I: Russia's Relations with Asia,
1796-1801," Slavic Review, 38 (March 1979), pp. 60-74.
- Sessions of the State Council, April 11 and 15, August 8, 1801, ACS, III, part ii,
columns 1189-90, 1191-94, 1197-98.
- Report of A. R. Vorontsov and V. P. Kochubei, June 24, 1801 (July 6, N.S.),
ibid., Ill, part ii, columns 1200-1206.
- Alexander to Knorring, September 12, 1801, Butkov, II, 503-4, 507.
- Fadeev, p. 102.
- Governor-General of India et al., meeting in council, January 30, 1808, P&PGFR,
XXVIII, 39; N. B. Edmonstone (secretary to secret, political, and foreign departments
of the governor generalship, Bengal) to Path 'Ali Shah, January 10, 1807, FO 60/1.
- General P. A. Tolstoi (Russian ambassador to France) to N. P. Rumiantsev (foreign
minister), October 26, 1807, and A. Caulaincourt (Napoleon's emissary to Alexander) to
Napoleon, January 21, 1808, VPR, IV, 104-5, 177-78; A. Vandal, Napoleon et Alexandre fr
(3 vols., Paris, 1891-1896), I, 247-48, 282, 292 ff.; Caulaincourt to Napoleon, January 21,
1808, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Les Relations diplomatiques de la Russie et de la France d'apres
les rapports des ambassadeurs d'Alexandre et de Napoleon, 1808-1812 (1 vols., St. Peters-
burg, 1905-1914), I, 72-73.
- Session of the State Council, August 8, 1801, ACS, III, part ii, column 1197.
- Manifesto of September 12, 1801, Akty, I 432-33.
- Alexander to Tsitsianov, September 26, 1802, ibid., II, 8.
- Alexander to Knorring, September 12, 1801, and Alexander to Tsitsianov, Sep-
tember 26, 1802, and Alexander to Knorring, April 23, 1802, and Alexander to Knorring,
April 16, 1802, ibid., I, 436, 688, II, 8.
- Alexander to Knorring, September 12, 1801, April 23, 1802, ibid., I, 436, 689.
- Alexander to Tsitsianov, September 26, 1802, ibid., II, 7-8.
- Meeting of the Secret Committee, March 31, 1802, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Stroga-
nov, II, 205-5.
- Alexander to Knorring, September 12, 1801, .4kty, I, 436.
- Alexander to Knorring, April 23, 1802, and Tsitsianov to Alexander, December
30, 1804, and Gudovich to Alexander, December 11, 1808, and January 11, 1809, ibid., I,
Notes 173