Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. Tuchkov, pp. 197, 208, 210.

  2. Tsitsianov to Alexander, April 27, 1803. Akty, II, 289.

  3. Tsitsianov to Kochubei, Septermber 30, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Czartoryski,
    August 13, 1805, ibid., II, 812-13, 847.

  4. M. S. Vorontsov to S. R. Vorontsov, October 12, 1804, AKV, XXXVI, 93.

  5. Czartoryski to Tsitsianov, September 27 and November 15, 1804, and Tsitsianov
    to Kochubei, September 30, 1804, and Tsitsianov to Alexander, n.d. (1805), and Tsitsianov
    to Czartoryski, June 17 and August 13, 1805, Akty, II, 812-13, 830, 831, 847.

  6. Czartoryski to Tsitsianov, September 27, 1804, ibid., II, 1020.

  7. Hedayat, IX, 390; Domboli, pp. 95-96, 110.

  8. Potto, I, 453-54; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 209-13; Dubrovin, IV, 446-47; Lofitsskii
    to Alexander, report on conditions in Georgia, 1801-1805, and Kariagin to Tsitsianov, June
    27, 1805,^^,111,6,11,833-34.

  9. Baddeley,p. 77.

  10. Lord Gower (British ambassador to St. Petersburg) to Charles James Fox (foreign
    secretary), April 14, 1805, FO 65/62, f. 154; Caulaincourt to Napoleon, February 5 , 1809,
    Archives Nationales, AF IV, 1698, dossier 3; Alexander to Gudovich, January 7, 1807, and
    notes of S. M. Bronevskii (expediter, Asian Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to
    Count A. N. Saltykov, n.d. (probably November 1808), VPR, 1,470, IV, 413; Gudovich to
    Saltykov, December 11, 1808, and Gudovich to Chancellor Rumiantsev, October 30, 1808,
    Akty, III, 264-65,498.

  11. Caulaincourt to Napoleon, October 12, 1808, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Relations
    diplomatiques, II, 280.

  12. Caulaincourt to Napoleon, February 5, 1809, Archives Nationales, AF IV, 1698,
    dossier 3.

  13. Nebol'sin to Tormasov, July 15, 1810,^^^, IV, 560.

  14. Tsitsianov to Alexander, March 9, and October 19, 1805, and Tsitsianov to Ad-
    miral Paul Chichagov (acting naval minister), Januray 29, 1805, ibid., II, II, 798, 741, 735-

  15. G. T. Keppel, Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England (London,
    1827), pp. 275-76, 290; J. F. Gamba, Voyage dans la Russie meridionale et particulierement
    dans les provinces situees au-dela du Caucase (2 vols., Paris, 1826), II, 327-28, 332; W.
    Monteith, Kars and Erzeroum (London, 1856), p. 36; Lofitsskii to Alexander, report on
    conditions in Georgia, and Rozhnov (vice-governor of the Caucasus) to Gudovich, July 25,
    1806, and Gudovich to Alexander, March 15, 1807, and Gudovich to Kochubei, September
    28, 1807, and General of the Infantry Bulgakov (inspector of the Caucasian Line) to Prince
    Kurakin, April 7, 1808, Akty, 6, 52, 433, 53, 55-56; Brosset, II, part ii, 299; Beliavskii and
    Potto, II, 297-98; Dubrovin, V, 452.

  16. Collegiate Counselor Sokolov (St. Petersburg's special investigator of the unrest in
    Georgia) to A. R. Vorontsov, September 1, 1802, and Tsitsianov to Alexander, February 10,
    1803, and November 28, 1805, and Active State Counselor Litvinov to Gudovich, January
    15, 1807, and Gudovich to Rumiantsev, n.d. (probably July 1808), and Tormasov to Active
    Secret Counselor Gur'ev, August 2, 1810, and Paulucci to the minister of Police, October 1,
    1811, Akty, II, 14, 18-19,299,111, 13-14, 479-80, 43, V, 51-52; P. A. Jaubert, Voyage en
    Armenie et en Perse (Paris, 1821), p. 299; Beliavskii and Potto, II, 290, 345; Dubrovin, V,
    69; Fadeev, p. 135.

178 Notes

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