Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin
- H. Jones (Brydges), Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to the
court of Persia in the Years 1807-1811 (2 vols., London, 1834), I, 256.
- Bakikhanov, P. 160; Active State Counselor Litvinov (serving in the civil adminis-
tration of Georgia) to Gudovich, August 17, 1806, Akty, III, 226-27.
- Tormasov to Lieutenant-General Repin (commandant of Baku), May 24, 1809,
and Prince Alexander (of Georgia), two letters, to Hosein Qoli Khan of Yerevan and Mirza
Bozorg (chief vizier to 'Abbas Mirza), 1813, Akty, IV, 639, V, 369.
- Domboli, p. 199; Jones, Transactions, I, 312, 314-15; declaration by the sons of
Sadeq Khan (leader of the Sheqaqi Kurds, executed by the order of Fath 'All Shah in 1800),
n.d., and report from Ahmad Khan (governor of Tabriz) to Tsitsianov, n.d., and Tsitsianov
to Ahmad Khan, February 8, 1805, and Tsitsianov to "Abbas Qoli Khan of Qaradagh (across
the Aras from Qarabagh), n.d. and Tsitsianov to Alexander, June 17, 1805, and Major-Gen-
eral Nebol'sin to Gudovich, December 30,1808, and Gudovich to Mir Mostafa Khan (Talesh),
and Gudovich to Captain Stepanov (Caspian fleet), n.d. (1808), and Colonel Aseev (com-
mandant of Shusha garrison) to Gudovich, December 28, 1808, and Jehangir Khan Sheqaqi
to Gudovich, n.d., and Nazar 'Ali Khan (Shahsevan) to Tormasov, n.d., and "Some Infor-
mation about the Aisors" (Assyrian Christians), Akty, II, 801-2, 823-24, 829-30, III, 291,
362, 502-4, 683-84, 690.
- J. Macdonald (Kinneir), A Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire (London,
1813), pp. 26-27; Algar, Religion, pp. 36, 79.
- Dupre, II, 294-97; Drouville, 1st ed., II, 109; Driault, p. 132; M. von Kotzebue,
Narrative of a Journey into Persia in the Suite of the Imperial Russian Embassy in the Year
1817 (London, 1819), p. 280; A. Debidour, "Le General Fabvier, sa vie et ses ecrits,'Mn-
nales de I'Est (1887), p. 328.
- Malcolm, History of Persia, II, 297-98.
- Domboli, p. 197.
- Drouville, 1st ed., II, 115-17, 154; Macdonald, pp. 33-34; Jaubert, Voyage, pp.
274-75, 278; Kotzebue, p. 288; Tormasov to Rumiantsev, September 10, 1809, and Nebol'-
sin to Tormasov, July 15, 1810, Akty, TV, 693, 560; Major D'Arcy (commander of 'Abbas's
British-trained artillery) to Gore Ousely (British ambassador to Iran), February 16, 1812,
FO 60/6.
- Macdonald, p. 35; Campbell, p. 237; Malcolm, History of Persia, II, 497, 497 n.,
498; Morier, "Diary," IV, f. 40; J. J. Morier, A Second Journey through Persia, Armenia,
and Asia Minor to Constantinople (London, 1818), p. 215; Drouville, 1st ed., II, 97-98;
B. Wilbraham, Travels in the Transcaucasian Provinces of Russia (London, 1839), p. 63; C.
Belanger, Voyage aux Indes-Orientales par le norde de I'Europe, les provinces du Caucase,
la Georgie, I'Armenie et la Perse pendant les annees 1825-1829 (3 vols., Paris, 1834), II,
402, n. 1.
- Jaubert, Voyage, p. 277; Freygang and Freygang, p. 275; Morier, "Diary," IV,
ff. 52-53; Drouville, 1st ed., II, 100-102; "Names and Account given of themselves by
four Russians from Muskat on their arrival at Bombay," March 28, 1811, India Office,
microfilm reel 647 (correspondence with R. Dundas).
- Jones to Adair (British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire), May 20, 1809, and
Stratford Canning (British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire) to Jones, August 1, 1810,
and Ouseley to Stratford Canning, December 17, 1811, FO 60/2, 3, 10; Stratford Canning
to Ouseley, March 8, 1812, FO 181/8; Jones, Transactions, I, xxvi, n. 18, 400-401; Morier,
"Diary," IV, ff. 59, 104; Morier, Second Journey, pp. 221-23; W. Monteith, "Routes in
Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Armenia, 1811-1829," India Office, Miscellaneous European
Manuscripts, B 24, pp. 18-19.
- Malcolm to Lord Minto (governor-general of the East India Company's domains
in India), October 6, 1810, FO 95/8/6.
180 Notes