The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

(lu) #1

Volkerwanderungen: lack of evidence
for, 46—47, 48, 55, 66, 72; in schol-
arship, 10—ii, 14—15, 46—47, 49—
50, 125, 137-38, 143, 197
Vrana, 188-90

Wace, Alan, 11—12, 45
Weidner, Ernst, 113, 137
wheeled vehicles (other than chariots): in
Armenia, 115—20, 134; discovery
and diffusion of, 30, 77-78, inn,
133; disk wheeled, 77—78, 97; earli-
est evidence for, 30-31, 77, 131,
T32n; not attested in Egypt and
Greece before I7thcent. B.C., 133,

172—73; PIE speakers' specialty in,
121, 133-34, 170; Sumerian battle-
wagons, 78. See also horse: as draft an-
Wiesner, Josef, 127—28, 137-39, : 73
woodworking, 77, 84—86, 87, 97, in,
117—18, 120, 133—34, 201
Woolley, Sir Leonard, 105
Wyatt, William, 21, 37-38, 41, 159,
17°, 177
Yadin, Yigael, 21
Za-a-lu-ti, 227
Zimri-Lim, 56, 94n, 99, 112, 113

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