Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

S-8 Subject Index

critique of cognitive social learning theory,
publications, 530, 531
related research, 559–563
sadism, 37, 237
safeguarding tendencies (Adler), 87–90, 90t
safety needs (Maslow), 262f, 263
Sane Society, The (Fromm), 231, 247
SAT scores, 399–400
satisfiers, 464
Saunders Consumer Orientation Index
(SCOI), 248
schedules of reinforcement, 473–474
schizoid personality, 294
school age (Erikson), 209–210, 217t
philosophy of, 279–280, 311–312, 570–572
theory versus, 6
Science and Human Behavior (Skinner), 463
secondary dispositions (Allport), 362–363
secondary narcissism (Freud), 37
secondary process (Freud), 33
secure attachment, 161, 164, 165–166
selective activation (Bandura), 514
selective reinforcement, 481–482
self (Jung), 118–120
self-accusation, 185–186
self-actualization (Rogers), 297–298
self-actualization needs (Maslow), 257, 262f,
265–266, 270–278, 280–281, 283–284
Self-Analysis (Horney), 172
self-awareness, 477–478
in Five-Factor Theory, 395
in person-centered theory (Rogers), 297
self-consistency of personality, 80–81
Self-Construal Scale (SCS), 222
self-contempt, 186
self-control (Skinner), 482–483
self-destructive actions and impulses, 186
Self-Directed Search (SDS), 98
self-discrepancy theory, 315–316
self-efficacy (Bandura), 495–496, 505–509,
self-frustration, 186
self-hatred (Horney), 183, 185–186
self-observation, 511–512
Self-Other Attitude Scale (S-O Scale),
self-reaction, 513
self-reactiveness, 505
in analytical psychology (Jung), 114, 118,
119–120, 127, 129–130, 131
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 232
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
183, 189–190
self-reflectiveness, 505
self-regulation, 510–516
across the lifespan, 561–563
external factors, 511
internal factors, 511–513
self-regulatory strategies (Mischel), 556
through moral agency, 496, 513–516
self-sufficiency, 178
self-torment, 186
selfobjects (Kohut), 158
sensation (Jung), 125, 126t
sense of identity (Fromm), 235, 236t
sense of identity (Horney), 183
separation anxiety, 159–160
separation guilt, 334
separation-individuation (Mahler),

psychoticism (P, Eysenck), 415, 416f, 417,
419–422, 423
defined, 210
genital stage (Freud), 43, 50–51
youth stage (Jung), 127f, 128
punishment, 471–472
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 478–479
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 204f, 209
Q sort technique, 313, 369
quantitative trait loci (QTL) approach,
449–450, 453
Questionnaire of Affective Relationships
(QAR), 165
radical behaviorism (Skinner), 459–460, 463
range corollary (Kelly), 577–578
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 61–62
rapprochement, 157
reaction formation (Freud), 29, 38, 40
reactive behavior (Allport), 364
realistic anxiety (Freud), 38–39
reality principle (Freud), 33–34
receptive characters (Fromm), 239, 245
recognition-status needs, 537
in analytical psychology (Jung), 121–122
in individual psychology (Adler), 89
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 41, 89
reinforcement, 470–471
brain and, 488–489
compared with punishment, 472
conditioned/generalized reinforcers,
internal/external control of, 540, 541–543
schedules of, 473–474
reinforcement-reinforcement sequences, 534
Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST),
reinforcement value (RV, Rotter), 533–534, 542
rejectivity, 215
relatedness (Fromm), 232–233, 236t
reliability, 16
intrinsic/extrinsic orientation, 375–378
personality type of clergy and churchgoers,
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, 61–62
Rep (Role Construct Repertory) test, 584–590
repetition compulsion (Freud), 54
representation, 499
repression (Freud), 28, 34, 39–40, 60–61
resacralization (Maslow), 279
resistance, 54
Revised NEO Personality Inventory, 388
Right Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA),
250, 251
Rochester Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children, 293
Rogers, Carl R., 290–322. See also person-
centered theory (Rogers)
biography, 291, 292–295
critique, 319–320
philosophy of science, 311–312
publications, 293, 295
role (Kelly), 580–581
Role Construct Repertory (Rep) test, 584–590
role repudiation (Erikson), 212
rootedness (Fromm), 234–235, 236t
Rorschach Inkblot Test, 61, 163, 245, 497
Rotter, Julian B., 529–548. See also cognitive
social learning theory (Rotter)
biography, 530–531

in object relations theory (Klein), 151,
152, 163
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 41–42
projective identification (Klein), 152
propriate functional autonomy (Allport), 367
propriate strivings (Allport), 364
proprium (Allport), 363–364
protection-dependency needs, 538
provinces of the mind (Freud), 31–35
proxy (Bandura), 496, 509
pseudospecies (Erikson), 201, 215
Psycho-Analysis of Children, The (Klein), 145
psychoanalysis, defined, 21
psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
basic hostility/basic anxiety, 171, 175–177,
179–180, 179f
compulsive drives, 177–182, 182t
concept of humanity, 194–195
critique of Horney, 193
cultural influences, 174–175
feminine psychology, 186–189
intrapsychic conflicts, 171, 182–186
introduction, 174–175
overview, 171–172
psychotherapy, 189–190
related research, 190–193
psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 20–69
applications, 52–57
concept of humanity, 67–69
critique of Freud, 63–67
defense mechanisms, 34, 39–43, 60–61
levels of mental life, 28–31, 31f, 32 f
overview, 21–22
personality dynamics, 36–39
provinces of the mind, 31–35, 32f
related research, 57–63
stages of psychosexual development, 43–51
psychodynamic theories, 8, 9t
of Mahatma Gandhi, 219–220
of Adolf Hitler, 246–247
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm),
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson),
psychological mechanisms (Buss), 438–439
psychological situation (Rotter), 534–535
Psychology (Koch), 292, 295
Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It
(Skinner), 464
Psychology of Personal Constructs, The
(Kelly), 570, 581, 592
psychology of science, 10–11
psychology of the individual (Allport),
approach to personality theory, 358–361
characteristics of healthy person, 359–361
concept of humanity, 379–380
critique of Allport, 378–379
definition of personality, 358–359
motivation, 359, 364–368
overview, 355–356
related research, 372–378
structure of personality, 361–364
study of the individual, 368–372
Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Freud), 57
psychoses, 54
psychosexual development stages (Freud),
psychosocial development stages (Erikson),
203–218, 217t, 221–223
psychosocial struggle (Erikson), 197
psychotherapy. See therapy/psychotherapy

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