India\'s Saudi Policy - P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar

(Wang) #1
ANNExURE 4 233

Jerusalem. They also condemned the attack on the Al Aqsa
Mosque which is yet another instance of Israeli provocative and
aggressive actions. The grave situation caused by Israeli actions in
Lebanon, in particular the attacks launched by it last year, and the
ever- present threat of further invasion, was also discussed. They
expressed their support for the unity, territorial integrity and sov-
ereignty of Lebanon.

  1. The Saudi side expressed deep appreciation of India’s consistent
    and firm policy of supporting the Arab cause. The Indian side
    reiterated that this policy, based on principle, would continue.
    The Indian Prime Minister also welcomed the eight-point Arab
    Peace Plan as a constructive initiative towards achieving a just and
    durable solution to the Middle East problem.

  2. The two sides noted with grave concern the increasing escalation
    of great power presence in the Indian Ocean area against the
    declared wishes of the littoral and hinterland states of the Indian
    Ocean. They called on the great powers to progressively reduce
    and eventually eliminate their military presence from the Indian
    Ocean. The two sides reaffirmed the – need to intensify efforts for
    the speedy implementation of the declaration of the Indian Ocean
    as a zone of peace as contained in the 1971 UN General Assembly
    resolution on the subject.

  3. They reaffirmed that the security and stability of the Gulf area is
    the responsibility of the Gulf States only, without any foreign
    interference or intervention. In this context, the Saudi side
    explained the objectives of Gulf Cooperation Council. The Indian
    side welcomed the establishment of the GCC and appreciated the
    resolve of its members to keep the region free from any outside

  4. Noting with grave concern the situation in Afghanistan, the two
    sides called for a just and comprehensive settlement of the ques-
    tion on the basis of the withdrawal of all foreign troops, strict
    observance of the principles of non-intervention and non-inter-
    ference, and full respect for the independence, sovereignty, terri-
    torial integrity, non-aligned status of Afghanistan and its
    membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference.

  5. The two sides expressed their deep concern over the Iran Iraq conflict
    which has lasted for over 19  months and which constitutes a grave
    threat to the peace and security of the region. They urged Iran and

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