The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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been blunted through announcements of this decision. But one cannot foresee future
events in definite and serious ways. The enemy has not yet abandoned his tricks. He
may well continue the same aggressive ways by resorting to excuses. We must be pre-
pared to repel possible aggression by the enemy. Our nation must not yet regard the
issue as closed. Of course, we officially announce that our objective is not a new tac-
tic in continuation of the war. It is not impossible that the enemy will follow up its
attacks through these excuses. Our military forces must never be ignorant of the decep-
tion and tricks of the enemies.
Under any conditions the defensive strength of the country must be in the best
positions. Our people, who during the long years of struggle have felt the dimensions
of the hatred and ruthlessness and animosity of the enemies of God, must regard the
danger of the invasion of the world devourers in different forms as more serious. Now,
as in the past, all the military personnel, whether belonging to the Army, the IRGC
[Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps], or the mobilization corps must continue their
missions at the fronts to defend against the tricks of arrogance and Iraq.
Once we leave this stage of the revolution behind us by the same special way and
regulations which are special to us, I will have recommendations for the next phase
and construction of the country and the general policy of the regime and the revolu-
tion, which I shall talk about at an opportune time. But at this stage I demand most
seriously of all speakers, authorities, and responsible people of the country and media
and press directors to forego adventures and the creation of adventures. They must be
on guard not to serve inadvertently as the tool of extreme thoughts and beliefs. They
must rely on their common sense to stand alongside each other to watch the enemies.
During these days it is possible that many individuals may raise questions with
why’s and should-be’s and should-not-be’s; they may be motivated by their feelings.
While in itself this is a beautiful thing, now is not the right time to attend to these
queries. It is possible that those who until yesterday were taking positions against this
regime, who used to talk of peace with the motive only of seeing the Iranian regime
and government fall, today too many raise other deceptive words harboring the same
objective. The lackeys of arrogance—those who until yesterday under the fake cover
of peace stabbed the heart of the nation—also may well support the war. And the
nationalists who lack culture may well begin their poisonous propaganda in order to
waste the blood of the dear martyrs and to destroy the glory and honor of the people.
God willing, our dear nation, relying on farsightedness and intelligence, will rebuff
all seditions.
I repeat that the acceptance of this issue is more lethal for me than poison; but I
surrender to God’s satisfaction. I have drunk this for the sake of God’s satisfaction....

SOURCE:Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia, July 21, 1988,


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