The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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I call upon the entire Iranian nation to remain vigilant, patient, and steadfast. It
is possible that in the future certain individuals may knowingly, or through ignorance,
raise the question among the people as to what was the fruit of all the blood, mar-
tyrdom, and self-sacrifice. These people are surely unaware of the unseen worlds and
of the philosophy of martyrdom. They do not know that for a person who has engaged
in jihad for the sake of God’s satisfaction, and who has surrendered himself to sub-
mission and devotion, events will in no way harm this person’s eternal, everlasting,
and exalted position.
To understand fully the value and the path of our martyrs we must cover a long
distance. We must look for it in the passage of time and the history of the current
revolution and of those to come.
The blood of the martyrs has definitely ensured the revolution and Islam. The
blood of the martyrs has taught a permanent lesson of resistance to the people of the
world. God knows that the way of martyrdom cannot be hidden. The nations and
those to come will be the ones to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs. The immac-
ulate dust of the martyrs will provide the resting place of those in love, the mystics,
and will also provide the healing place for the free people. Happy are those who
departed through martyrdom. Happy are those who lost their lives in this convoy of
light. Happy are the mothers who raised these gems. O God, keep this book of mar-
tyrdom open to those who are willing; and do not deprive us of reaching it.
O God, our country and our nation are still at the beginning of the path of
struggle; they need the torch of martyrdom. Please be the guardian of this shining
lamp. Happy are you, the nation. Happy are you, women and men. Happy are the
disabled, the prisoners of war and those missing in action and the great families of the
martyrs. And how unhappy I am because I have survived and drunk the poisonous
chalice of accepting the resolution, and feel ashamed in front of the greatness and sac-
rifices of this great nation. Unhappy are those who were not in this convoy. Unhappy
are those who have so far passed by this great event of martyrdom and war, and the
great divine examination—those who have remained silent and indifferent, who have
criticized or verbally attacked it.
Yes, yesterday was the day of divine trial. And tomorrow there will be another
trial which is to come our way. And all of us have a day of yet greater accountability.
Those who during the past few years of struggle and war avoided performing this
great duty of theirs—no matter what their reasons—and kept themselves, their lives
and property and children and others from the fire of events must know for sure that
they have avoided their divine duty. And they have suffered a great loss. They will feel
sorry on the day of judgment. I once again tell all the people and the responsible
authorities that they must keep the account of such people separate from the account
of those who have crusaded on the path of God. They must not let these undeserved
claimants of today and those shortsighted leaders of yesterday return to the scenes.
Whether I am in your midst or not, I bequeath and recommend to all of you not
to allow the revolution to fall into the hands of those who are unqualified and alien.
Do not let the torch-bearers of martyrdom and blood be forgotten in the course of
your daily lives.
I strongly recommend you, the dear Iranian nation, to be on your guard. The
acceptance of the resolution by the Islamic Republic of Iran does not mean that the
war has been resolved. The propaganda weapon of the world devourers against us has

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