The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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Later in 2006, senior officials of the Bush administration expressed doubt that
Maliki had the will power or the political clout to carry out his reconciliation plan
and govern Iraq on behalf of all Iraqis. By then, Washington’s options had become
limited. Even with some 150,000 troops in Iraq, it could no longer dictate who would
be in power in Iraq or what actions those officials should take.

Following is the text of the National Reconciliation and Dialogue Project, as presented
to the Iraqi National Assembly on June 25, 2006, by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.


Iraqi National Reconciliation and

Dialogue Project

JUNE25, 2006

In The Name of God
The National Reconciliation and Dialogue project

In order to confirm the coherence between the Iraqi people, establishing the basis of
national unity among their different components, to treat the remains of terrorism and
administrative corruption, spreading the spirit of the loyal nationality to Iraq in order
to build [a] wide national front to confront challenges and to regain the pioneer posi-
tion of Iraq regionally and internationally... for all that we release the initiative of
national reconciliation and dialogue that depends on two basic elements:

  1. The reliable procedure.

  2. Principles and required policies.

First: Procedures

A. Forming national head committee (the head National Committee of National Rec-
onciliation and Dialogue project) contains representatives from the three authorities,
the state minister of the national dialogue and representatives from the parliamentary
B. Forming sub-committees in the governorates by the head national committee,
it takes over the tasks of the committee to expand the reconciliation horizontally.
C. Forming field committees to put horizontal cultural and media conceptions,
follow up the process of reconciliation and evaluating it[s] stages.
D. [Holding] conferences for the different slices of life such as:

  1. Conference to the religious leaders to support the reconciliation process and
    announcing (Fatwa) to convince people.

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