The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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and destruction. Rule of law was missing. Pluralism was opposed and the women
were marginalized in the society. Now, in accordance with our constitution, the civil
and human rights of all our citizens are safeguarded. The Afghan Independent
Human Rights Commission and thousands of other organizations are assessing
human rights issues and freely operate in our country. Today we have a free media.
Around 300 papers are published inside the country. There are five TV and more
than 20 radio stations. There are dozens of civil society organizations operating in
the country. The emergence of civil society is an important sign of political devel-
opment in our society....

Esteemed representatives of the nation!
With all the success and strides, we have a long road ahead. We need to put even
more efforts forward in building a stable and self-reliant Afghanistan. We must be
ready to give sacrifices to protect our freedom, independence and territorial integrity.
I would like to say to the nation’s representatives that in spite of the success achieved
in the past four years, we have not been able to fulfill all of the legitimate demands
of our people.
Allow me to explain to you issues which are at the spotlight of the government’s
future working policy for accomplishment of which are required strong efforts.

Defending cultural values, promoting political and civil freedoms
Defending the cherished values of the sacred religion of Islam and promoting our cul-
ture are the prime objectives. We strongly believe in promoting culture of tolerance
in accordance with cherished values of Islam and accepted moral principles. Adequate
attention should be paid to rebuilding of mosques and religious centers, to promot-
ing cultural values, and to appropriately utilizing of religious allocated properties. Our
cultural policy recommends safeguarding of historical sites and relics as well as pre-
vention of illegal excavation of historical sites.

Campaign against terrorism
Terrorism is still a problem to our country. To eliminate this menace, we have to
address the roots and prime sources of this menace. The root of terrorism in
Afghanistan has originated from outside. Those, who carry out destructive efforts and
kill our religious scholars, elders, school teachers and road workers and other innocent
people, and destroy our hospitals, and set ablaze schools, should keep in mind that
the Afghan people are determined and united against them.
Afghanistan will not be place of terrorists, and with the grace of Allah, the
Almighty, it will be safe from foreign invasion.
Two days ago in southern province of Helmand, the terrorists killed a student and
a janitor of a school. These inhumane and anti-Islamic acts can well reveal the ill inten-
tions of the terrorists.

To fight against cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotics is of vital impor-
tance to Afghanistan. Our farmers gain the minimum benefit of production of nar-
cotics while utmost benefit of narcotic-trade goes to international traffickers. The main


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