The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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victims of narcotics are our own youths. The drug-economy is deemed to be crime
and it greatly impedes economic growth. The fund, which comes out of drug econ-
omy, disburses to help training of our enemies. Narcotic swell moral and social cor-
ruptions. Where there is tradition of narcotics, it has no place within the international
community and will stay isolated.
We have pledged to our people and the international community that we will seri-
ously fight this menace [narcotics]. Because; our religion orders fighting narcotics, so
we will continue our fight for the sake of prosperity of future generations. We will
continue to conduct a comprehensive program against this social threat; provision of
alternative livelihood would be a part of this program.
I urge all government officials to take active part in the process of our combat for
elimination of this menace....

Defense and Security Policy
Security is not merely a military issue. True security can only be achieved when our
people are protected against terror and violence and when they are provided with at
least minimum social security. We consider security as integral parts of both our
defense and social policy. Only pursuing military objectives is not rational. The pol-
icy of consolidating peace in our country should be maintained. This policy is an
opportunity for those of our compatriots who are ready to abandon violence. We
should not deprive our compatriots of the opportunity to return to a peaceful life.
Availing this opportunity, I renew my invitation to those who love the religion and
culture of our people and Afghanistan to join the peace process so that they are no
longer victimized by the whims of the foreign enemies.
Peace and security cannot be achieved in this chaotic world with mere state-
ments of morality. Afghanistan should be able to possess such a strong army
equipped with patriotic aspirations so that our bitter history is not repeated. Hav-
ing strong armed forces is not enough, defense and security forces should realize that
they are the soldiers of this Republic and the defenders of this soil. The tradition
of sacrifice and devotion of our people should always be alive and sustained by our
armed forces.
Preferring national interests over partisan, ethnic and regional interests and
other divisive aims should become the real belief and aspiration of Afghanistan army.
The sad experiences of the last thirty years and the planned downfall of Afghanistan
army by foreign countries were made possible by those who lacked such a national
The establishment of ground and air defense forces able to defend our borders is
indispensable. The Islamic Republic will do everything possible in this direction. The
establishment of a professional army is not contradictory to the objective of recruit-
ment of the youth of the country for defense and social services. The government of
Afghanistan will seriously consider recruiting youth to serve under Afghanistan flag.
The Afghan army and other security forces should be equipped with modern
weaponry. Police and the border forces as well as other security forces should realize
that they are the servants of this country and the guardians of their borders. Ensuring
security and defending the liberties of our people are the prime tasks of our security
forces. Security forces should not mistreat people. People are the owner of the state

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