The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1
General Assembly Resolution 3379 (1975),” “Treaty of Peace between the Arab
Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel,” “Fez Declaration,” “Washington Decla-
ration,” “Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom
of Jordan,” “Arab Peace Initiative,” “The Beirut Declaration,” “Arafat Speech to the
General Assembly,” “Zahar Letter to Annan,” “UN Secretary-General’s Report on
Resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978),” “UN Secretary-General’s Press Statement
on the Israeli Withdrawal from Lebanon,” “UN Security Council Resolution 1559
(2004),” “Statement by the UN Security Council on Syrian Withdrawal from
Lebanon,” “UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006),” “UN Security Council
Resolution 1737 (2006),” “UN Security Council Resolution 598 (1987),” “UN
Security Council Resolution 660 (1990),” “UN Security Council Resolution 661
(1990),” “UN Security Council Resolution 665 (1990),” “UN Security Council
Resolution 678 (1990),” “UN Security Council Resolution 687 (1991),” “Ekeus
Letter on UNSCOM’s Progress in Destroying Iraqi WMD and Related Programs,”
“UN Security Council Resolution 986 (1995),” “Butler Letter on UNSCOM’s
Work in Iraq,” “UN Sec. Council Res. 1441 (2002),” “UN Sec. Council Res. 1511
(2003),” “Bonn Agreement” copyright © United Nations. Reproduced with per-
mission of the United Nations.

“The West Bank, July 2006” (Map) copyright © Jan de Jong. Reproduced with per-
mission of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.


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