The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1


Abbas, Mahmoud
Hamas and, 318–320
Oslo Accords, 214
president of Palestinian Authority, first
address of, 307–312
prime minister of Palestinian
Authority, 299
as successor to Arafat, 305–307
Abbasid Dynasty, 417
Abdallah (Saudi Crown Prince)
Arab-Israeli peace plan, 41, 50,
156–157, 298
Jerusalem, status of, 78
Abdallah (King of Jordan), 142
Abdallah II (King of Jordan), 156, 279
Abraham Lincoln(aircraft carrier), 506
Bonn Agreement
approval, 601
background, 599–601
excerpts, 608–615
civil war, 567
Durrani, 565
elections, 615–616
Geneva Accords
background, 582
main portions, 583–590
Shevardnadze statements, 590–592

independence, 6
Kalq faction, 569
Karzai government
background, 615–617
speech before Afghan Parliament,
loya jirga, 600
mujahidin, 572, 580–581
National Assembly, 616
Northern Alliance, 594
overview, 565–568
Parcham, 569
People’s Democratic Party, 569
Red Banner, 569
Soviet invasion
background, 569–572
Carter address, 575–577
memorandum, text, 572–574
overview, 566–567
resistance, aid to, 571–572
Soviet withdrawal, 580–582
decrees, text, 595–598
ousting from power, 599
overview, 567
resurgence, 568, 615, 616–617
rise of, 593–595
U.S. invasion
background, 598–601


Surnames starting with “al-”or “ibn” are alphabetized by the following part of the name

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