The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Afghanistan (continued)
Blair statement on start of
operations, 606–608
Bush (G. W.) statement on start of
operations, 604–606
Musharraf speech on Pakistani
cooperation, 602–604
overview, 567–568
Afghanistan Peace Accord. SeeGeneva
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 381, 397–398
Albright, Madeleine
Iran-U.S. relations
background, 396–397
overview, 377
remarks before American-Iranian
Council, 401–404
Israeli redeployment, intervention,
260, 267
Algiers Agreement (Iran-Iraq), 424
Ali, Sharif Hussein
background, 8–9
correspondence with McMahon,
overview, 3–4, 6
Sykes-Picot Agreement and, 13
Allawi, Ayad, 512
Allenby, Edmund, 4, 25
Allon, Yigal, 179
Amanpour, Christiane, 395
Amanullah, 6
Ames, Robert, 340
Amin, Hafizullah, 569, 570
Amir, Yigal, 167, 216–217
Amman Arab League summit
background, 433
communiqué excerpts, 436–437
Amorites, 417
Anatolia, 631
Andropov, Yuri, 572–574
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 376
Annan, Kofi
Iraqi oil-for-food program controversy,
on Israeli withdrawal of troops from
background, 355–356

press statement, 358
report to Security Council, 357
roadmap for peace participation, 318
Sharm el-Sheikh summit, 279
Syrian withdrawal of troops from
Lebanon, 360, 366
Antonius, George, 9
Aoun, Michael, 345–346
al-Aqsa intifada, 156, 166, 276–281,
287–289, 318
al-Aqsa Mosque, 260
The Arab Awakening(Antonius), 9
Arab Deterrent Force, 332
Arab-Israeli relations
See alsoCamp David peace process;
Israeli-Palestinian relations
Arab Peace Initiative
background, 156
passage, 157
text, 158–159
Begin-Sadat meetings, 39–40
Beirut Arab League summit
background, 156–157, 298
Declaration, 159–162
diplomacy, 39–41
Fez Arab League summit
background, 132, 136–137, 156
Declaration, 137–138
founding of Israel
background, 67–69
declaration, 69–71
proclamation, 37, 38, 68
Jerusalem, status of, 77–78
Jordanian-Israeli peace agreement
background, 142–144, 215
overview, 40
Treaty of Peace, text, 147–155
Washington Declaration, 144–146
June 1967 War
Nasser address to National
Assembly, 98–100
background, 94–98
overview, 38–39, 165–168
Khartoum Declaration
background, 97, 107–108, 156
overview, 39
text of Declaration, 108–109


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