The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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al-Assad, Bashar, 329
al-Assad, Hafiz
Israeli peace talks, 277
Saddam Hussein, feud with, 434
withdrawal of troops from Lebanon, 329
Aswan Declaration, 119
dictatorship, 636–638, 639
formation of army, 632
founder of modern Turkey, 627
leadership of Turkey, 6, 628–629
nationalist movement and, 631
speech to Republican People’s Party,
Attlee, Clement, 56
Axis of evil, 487
Aziz, Tariq, 424, 456

Baghdad Pact, 418
Bagram air base, 616
Bahrain, 424
Baker, James A., III, 40, 138, 443, 456,
Baker-Hamilton Report. SeeIraq Study
Bakhtiar, Shapour, 380
al-Bakr, Ahmad Hasan, 420
Balfour, Arthur James
See alsoBalfour Declaration
background, 23
overview, 5
Balfour Declaration
background, 14, 23–24, 25
Britain’s backtracking, 56–57
overview, 5
Peel Commission report on, 43
text, 24–25
Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan, 425
El Baradei, Mohamed, 489
Barak, Ehud, 41, 268, 276, 279, 355
Barghouti, Mustafa, 306
Bayar, Celal, 640
Bazargan, Mehdi, 384
Begin, Menachem
Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement,

election of, 39, 118, 180
Haganah leadership, 57
invasion of Lebanon
background, 334–335
resignation, 337
speech excerpts, 337–339
Reagan peace plan, 132
Beilin, Yossi, 213
Beirut summit
background, 156–157, 298
declaration, 159–162
Ben-Gurion, David
division of Palestine, 175
Eisenhower correspondence over Suez
background, 82–83
letter, 85–86
Israel, proclamation
background, 68
declaration, 69–71
overview, 37, 38
Jerusalem, status of
background, 77
statement, 79
Palestinian refugees, 72
Protocol of Sèvres, 81, 83
Zionist position on 1939 White Paper, 56
Bernadotte, Folke, 72
Berri, Nabih, 344, 346, 361
Bevin, Ernest, 58
bin Laden, Osama, 567, 594–595, 598, 599
Biological weapons. SeeWeapons of mass
destruction (WMDs)
Blair, Tony
background, 599
Iraq, support of invasion, 487
military operations in Afghanistan,
statement by, 606–608
Blix, Hans, 489
Block of the Faithful, 180, 259
Bolling Air Force Base, 279
Bonn Agreement
approval, 601
background, 599–601
excerpts, 608–615
Bosporus Strait, 26
Treaty of Sèvres, 631


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