The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Lebanon, Israeli invasion (1982)
background, 131, 332, 334–337
Begin speech, 337–339
overview, 40, 328
1948 Arab-Israeli War, 71–74,
October 1973 War
background, 112–115
UN Security Council Resolution
background, 112, 113–115
overview, 39
passage, 115
text, 115
Oslo Accords. SeeOslo Accords
overview, 37–41
partition of Palestine. SeePartition of
Persian Gulf War and, 40–41
Reagan peace plan
background, 131–132
televised speech, 132–136
UN General Assembly and, 116
UN Security Council Resolution 242
background, 97–98, 109–111
overview, 39
text, 111–112
Arab League
Amman summit
background, 433
communiqué excerpts, 436–437
background, 48–50
Beirut summit
background, 156–157, 298
Declaration, 159–162
Charter, 50–55
diversion of Jordan River, 94
expulsion of Egypt, 40, 49, 121
Fez summit
background, 132, 136–137, 156
Declaration, 137–138
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, impact on,
49, 445
Khartoum summit
background, 97, 107–108
overview, 39
text, 108–109

Lebanese civil war and, 329
1948 Arab-Israeli War, 71
PLO as representative of Palestinians
background, 185–186, 200–201
Rabat Summit Declaration,
Arab Peace Initiative
background, 156
passage, 157
text, 158–159
Camp David peace process, 18
dialogue with Jews, 17–18
independence movement, 8–9
Israeli relations. SeeArab-Israeli
nationalism, rise of, 7, 37, 48–49
Palestine, League of Nations Mandate, 42
See alsoPalestine
Arafat, Yasir
Arab-Israeli peace proposal, 41
Beirut summit, nonattendance, 156
Cairo Agreement, 215
death of, 306
departure from Lebanon, 40, 335
Hebron Protocol commitments, 260, 267
Israeli peace negotiations, 276
Nobel Peace Prize, 215
Oslo Accords
background, 143, 214, 215
letter from Rabin, 219–220
letter to Holst, 219
letter to Rabin, 218
Palestine National Liberation
Movement, 169–170
Palestinian Authority, 217
PLO chairman, 170
Sharm el-Sheikh Summit, 279
UN General Assembly address
background, 185–186
speech excerpts, 187–191
Wye River summit, 267–269
incorporation by Turkey and Soviet
Union, 632
Treaty of Sèvres, 631
Armenian genocide, 629

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