The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Christians in Lebanon, 5, 327–328,
Churchill, Winston, 24, 56
Clinton, Bill
Afghanistan, bombing of al-Qaida
camps in, 567, 595
Iran-U.S. relations
background, 386, 395–398
remarks, 400
Iraqi refusal to cooperate with
weapons inspectors, response,
Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal
Camp David summit, 277
overview, 41
speech to Israel Policy Forum,
Israeli redeployment, intervention,
260, 267
Israeli-Syrian peace negotiations, 217
Jerusalem, proposal, 78
Jordan-Israel peace agreement
background, 143
overview, 40
Washington Declaration,
Oslo Accords, 214, 215
sex scandal, 475
Sharm el-Sheikh summit, 279
Wye River summit, 267–269
Cold war
Eisenhower Doctrine
background, 86–87
message to Congress, 88–94
Iran-Iraq War, impact on,
October 1973 War cease-fire and, 114
Suez crisis and, 80–83
Cole(ship), 567
post–Ottoman Empire, 3–7, 20
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14, 417
Congress of Sivas
background, 631–632
declaration, 633–634
Cordovez, Diego, 581
Crane, Charles R., 20


Daoud, Mohammad, 565, 566, 569
Dardanelles, 26, 631
Dayan, Moshe, 96, 179
Dayr Yassin, 68
Dean, Patrick, 81, 83
Declaration of Principles on Interim
Self-Government Arrangements.
SeeOslo Accords
Demirel, Suleiman, 289, 640, 641
Iraq and, 505, 510–512
Turkey and, 629
Dodecanese Islands, 631
Dome of the Rock, 260
Dostum, Abdurrashid, 593, 594, 600
Dubs, Adolph, 569
Duelfer, Charles A., 516
Dulles, John Foster, 87

East Jerusalem
Camp David summit (2000), 277
Israeli settlement, 178–182
overview, 165
Palestinian claims, 181
Eban, Abba
background, 98
statement to UN Security Council,
Ecevit, Bulent, 647
Eden, Anthony, 81
Editor and Publisher,King-Crane
report, 20
Camp David peace process. SeeCamp
David peace process
explusion from Arab League, 40, 49, 121
June 1967 War, 95–98
1948 Arab-Israeli War, armistice, 73–74
October 1973 War, 112–115
post–World War I, 6
Suez crisis. SeeSuez crisis
war of attrition, engaging in with Israel,
Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement. See
Camp David peace process


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