The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Eisenhower, Dwight D.
background, 81–82
letter to Ben-Gurion, 85–86
overview, 38
Eisenhower Doctrine
background, 86–87
message to Congress, 88–94
Ekeus, Rolf
destruction of Iraqi WMDs
background, 467
letter on progress, 477
report on Iraqi WMDs, 467, 474
Elon Moreh, 180
Embargo by OPEC, 114–115
Erbakan, Necmettin, 641
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 629, 642,
Erekat, Saeb, 260
Eshkol, Levi, 96
Etatism, 637
European Union, 628, 642, 648
Evren, Kenan, 641
Exodus-1947, 58

Faisal II (King), 418
Faisal-Weizmann Agreement. See
Weizmann-Faisal Agreement
Fatah. See alsoPalestine Liberation
Organization (PLO)
Abbas as successor to Arafat, 306
background, 169–170
overview, 167
Palestinian Legislative Council
elections, 217
Fahd (King of Saudi Arabia) on Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait
background, 445
statement, 449–450
Fez Arab League summit
background, 132, 136–137, 156
Declaration, 137–138
Framework for Conclusion of Peace
Treaty between Egypt and
background, 120
text, 122–123

Framework for Peace in the Middle East
background, 120
text, 123–127
League of Nations mandates, 5–6
Lebanon, control of, 26, 327
Persian Gulf War, 457
Suez Crisis, 80–83
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14
Syria and, 7, 20
Treaty of Sèvres, 631
Friedman, Tom, 156

Galili, Israel, 180
Galili Document, 180
Gaza Strip
Cairo Agreement (Israel-PLO)
background, 215
text, 230–241
Camp David summit, 277
disengagement policy
background, 312–315
overview, 166
Sharon statement, 315–317
Israeli settlement, 178–182
Oslo Accords, 214–216
overview, 165
Palestinian Authority, 170, 181
Gemayel, Amin, 336, 344
Gemayel, Bashir, 335, 336
Gemayel, Pierre (Phalange founder), 331
Gemayel, Pierre (grandson of Phalange
founder), 361
Gemayel family, 328
General Syrian Congress
background, 20
declaration, 21–22
Geneva Accords (Afghanistan-Pakistan)
background, 582
main portions, 583–590
Shevardnadze statements, 590–592
George, David Lloyd, 20, 23, 24
Glaspie, April, 443
Golan Heights, 178–182, 355
Goldstein, Baruch, 215
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 138, 433, 443, 582

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