The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Jumblatt, Kamal, 331–332
Jumblatt, Walid, 344
June 1967 War
background, 94–98
Nasser address to National Assembly,
overview, 38–39
UN Security Council Resolution
background, 97–98, 109–111
overview, 39
Justice and Development Party (AKP,
Turkey), 627
General Staff statement on preser-
vation of secularism, 645–646
government program, 649–652
rise of, 647–649

Karmal, Babrak, 569, 570, 580
Karzai, Hamid
background, 615–617
overview, 565, 568
speech before Afghan parliament,
temporary leader, selection as, 600
Kassir, Samir, 361
Kay, David, 516
Kemal, Mustafa. SeeAtaturk
legacy, 638
overview, 629
principles, 636–637
Kenya, bombing of U.S. embassy in, 567,
Kfar Etzion, 179
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali
acceptance of UN Security Council
Resolution 598, 438
letter accepting, 439–440
assumption of supreme leader role, 381
rebuff of Clinton, 386
rejection of Albright initiative, 397
Khartoum Declaration
background, 97, 107–108, 156
overview, 39
text, 108–109

Khatami, Mohammad
nuclear programs, 405
U.S.-Iran relations
background, 385, 395–397
news conference, 398–399
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
declaration of Islamic Republic of Iran,
denouncement of Carter, text of
speech, 386–387
endorsement of U.S. embassy seizure, 384
invasion of Iraq, 430–431
Iranian Revolution and, 379–381
Iran-Iraq War
conclusion, 438
prelude, 424
statement on cease-fire, 440–442
nuclear programs, 405
overview, 378
King, Henry C., 20
King-Crane Commission, 20
King David Hotel bombing, 57
Kissinger, Henry, 114
Kook, Rav Tzvi Yehuda, 180
Kurdistan, 629–630
Kurdistan Workers’ Party, 630
Iran support against Iraq, 423
rebellion in Iraq, 466
Treaty of Sèvres, 631
Turkey and, 466, 629–630, 637

Lahoud, Emile, 359
Land for peace. SeeArab Peace Initiative;
Camp David peace process;
UN Security Council
Resolution 242; UN Security
Council Resolution 338
Land reforms (Iran), 379
Lawrence, T. E., 4, 9
League of Arab States. SeeArab League
League of Nations, 5–6
mandate, 417
membership, 418
Palestine, mandate

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