The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

UN General Assembly Resolution
Jerusalem, status of, 77
passage, 59
text, 59–67
UN General Assembly Resolution 194
background, 72–73
passage, 74
text, 74–76
UN General Assembly Resolution 303
background, 77–78
UN General Assembly Resolution 997
background, 81
passage, 83
text, 84–85
UN General Assembly Resolution 999, 81
UN General Assembly Resolution 3375,
UN General Assembly Resolution 3376,
UN General Assembly Resolution 3379
background, 116
passage, 117
text, 117
Unified National Leadership Command
of the Intifada, 191
UNIFIL. SeeUN Interim Force in
UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL),
334, 355, 366
UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL
II), 366–367
United Arab Republic, 49
United Nations
See also other headings starting “UN” or
“United Nations”
Iraq weapons inspections
background, 473–476, 487–489
Bush (G. W.) speech in Ohio
warning of threat, 494–500
Bush (G. W.) speech to UN General
Assembly, 490–494
Butler letter on disarmament,
Ekeus letter on destruction, 477
UN Security Council Resolution 1441
background, 488

passage, 490
text, 500–504
oil-for-food program. SeeIraq
partition of Palestine, 38
United Nations Emergency Force
(UNEF), 95
United Nations Special Commission
background, 467, 474–475
Iraqi WMD programs, Ekeus letter on
destruction, 477
United Nations Special Committee on
Palestine (UNSCOP), 58
United States
Afghanistan, invasion of
background, 598–601
Blair statement on start of
operations, 606–608
Bush (G. W.) statement on start of
operations, 604–606
Musharraf speech on Pakistani
cooperation, 602–604
overview, 567–568
Afghan resistance, aid to, 571–572, 581
Arab-Israeli peace plan (Resolution
242), 110–111
Bonn Agreement
approval, 601
background, 599–601
excerpts, 608–615
Egypt, financial aid to, 121
global war on terror, 598
Iran-contra affair, 432
Iranian hostage crisis
agreement to release hostages, text,
background, 380, 383–386
Carter news conference, 387–390
Iraqi invasion, role in, 424
Iranian relations
background, 395–398
Clinton remarks, 400
Khatami news conference, 398–399
Mosaddeq overthrow, role in,
376–377, 384, 395, 396
Iran-Iraq War, intervention in,


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