The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

UN Security Council Resolution 1441
background, 488
passage, 490
text, 500–504
UN Security Council Resolution 1559
background, 359
passage, 361
text, 361–362
UN Security Council Resolution 1701
background, 366–367
passage, 367
text, 368–371
UN Security Council Resolution 1737
background, 405–406
passage, 406
text, 406–413
Ustinov, Dmitri, 572–574

Velayat-e-Faqih: Hukomat-e Islami
(Khomeini sermons), 380
Vieira de Mello, Sergio, 510–511
Vincennes(ship), 438

Wailing Wall, 260, 278
Walter, Lionel
background, 23
Balfour Declaration, letter to, 24–25
overview, 5
War of attrition, 110
Washington Declaration (Jordan-Israel
peace process)
background, 143
text, 144–146
Washington Post, 581
Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
See alsoNuclear programs
background, 405, 473–476, 487–489,
Bush (G. W.) speeches
in Ohio warning of Iraqi threat,
to UN General Assembly on Iraq,
Butler letter on Iraqi disarmament,

Duelfer Report findings on hunt in
Iraq, 517–526
Ekeus letter on destruction, 477
rationale for Iraq War, 505
UN Security Council Resolution 1441
background, 488
passage, 490
text, 500–504
Weizmann, Chaim
background, 17–18, 23–24
Jerusalem, status of, 77
overview, 5
Weizmann-Faisal Agreement
background, 17–18
text, 18–19
West Bank
Cairo Agreement
background, 215
text, 230–241
Camp David summit, 277
disengagement policy
background, 312–315
overview, 166, 180
Sharon statement, 315–317
Israeli settlement, 178–182
Oslo Accords, 214–216
overview, 165
Palestinian Authority, 170, 181
renouncement of Jordanian claims
background, 175, 179, 193,
King Hussein’s address, 201–205
Western (Wailing) Wall, 260, 278
Wilson, Woodrow
position on Balfour Declaration, 23–24
self-determination promotion, 20
Winograd, Eliyahu, 367
WMDs. SeeWeapons of mass destruction
Women’s rights, 594
World War I
diplomacy after, 5–6
Iran, aftermath, 6
Lebanon, aftermath, 5, 325–326
Middle East, aftermath, 3–7
Ottoman Empire, division of, 13–14
Turkey, aftermath, 6, 631–632
World Zionist Organization, 23


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