Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1



  1. Ch'on Kwan'u, "Pan'gye Yu Hyongwon yon'gu: Sirhak parsaeng eso pon Yijo sahoe
    ili iltanmyon" [A study ofYu Hyongwon: One aspect ofYi dynasty society as seen from
    the birth of practical learning], part 1, Yoksa hakpo 2 (October 1952):35-36; part 2, ibid.
    3 (January 1953):123-25; idem, "Choson hugi sirhak ili kaenyom chaeron" [Reconsid-
    eration of the concept of sirhak in the late Choson period], in idem, Han 'guksa Ui chae-
    balgyon [The rediscovery of Korean history] (Seoul: I1chogak, 1974), pp. I07-85.

  2. Ch'on Kwan'u, "Pan'gye Yu Hyongwon yon'gu ilibo [A corrigenda to my study of
    Yu Hyongwon], in idem, Kiinse Chosonsa yiin 'gu [Studies in the history of Choson in
    recent times) (Seoul: I1chogak, 1979), pp. 338-43 n. 1 I; "Pan'gye Yu Hyongwon yon'gu:
    Sirhak parsaeng eso pon Yijo sahoe ili iltanmyon" [A partial view ofYi dynasty society
    as seen through the emergence of sirhak], in ibid., pp. 229-32; Chong Kubok, "Pan'gye
    Yu Hyongwon ui sahoe kaehyok sasang" [Yu Hyongwon's ideas for the reform of soci-
    ety], Yoksa hakpo 15 (March 1970):1 -3; Kim Chunsok, "Yu Hyongwon ui pyonbopkwan
    kwa silliron" [Yu Hyongwon's view oflegal reform and his thesis of true principle], Tong-
    banghak chi 75 (June 1992):71-73 n.3, et passim. Kim noted that as a youth Yu studied
    with Yi Wonjin, his maternal uncle, and Kim Seryom, the husband of his paternal aunt,
    when he was a child. Yi was the man who was the magistrate on Cheju when Hendrik
    Hamel and his friends were shipwrecked off the Korean coast in 1653.

  3. Ch'on Kwan'u, "Pan'gye Yu Hyongwon yon'gu" [A study ofPan'gye Yu Hyongwon],
    in Choson kiinsesa yon 'gu [Studies in the recent history of Choson] (Seoul: I1chogak,
    1979), pp. 233-34·

  4. For information on the history of the Pan'gye surok, see the Han'gukhak kibon
    ch'ongso ed., no. IO, Chiingbo pan'gye surok (Seoul: Kyong'in munhwasa, 1974), pp.
    620- 2 3.

  5. For the history of the MunhOnbigo, see Kuksa-daesajon 2, 1475; MHBG pomnye
    (rules of compilation): I a-b;su, 6je (royal notices):5a-b.

  6. "Yu Hyongwon ui pyonbopkwan kwasilliron" [Yu Hyongwon's view of legal reform
    and his theory of real principle], Tongbanghak chi 75 (June 1992):83-89.

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