Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

CHAPTER 4. Remolding the Ruling Class through Education and Schools

  1. Yll Hyongw(\n, Pan 'gye surok, with Purok p 'oyu [Supplement], ed. by Kojon kan-
    haenghoe [The Classic Publication Society 1 (Seoul: Tonggllk munhwasa, 1<)58) 12:49a,
    This edition of Yu Hy(\ngwon's Pan 'gye surok will be used throughout this book and
    referred to as PGSR with numbers referring first to the kH'iill and then to the folio pagi-
    nation, See also the Chungbo Pan' gye surok, Han'gllkhak kibon ch 'ongso, no, 10 (Seoul:
    Kyong'in munhwasa, 1974), I also used the Korean translation and annotation by Han
    Changgyong, Kugyokchuhae Pan 'gye surok, 6 vols, (Seoul: Ch'ungnam taehakkyo, 1<)62)
    (for vol. 1), There is another translation by the Choson minjujuui inmin konghwaguk kwa-
    hagwon, Pan 'gye surok (Pyongyang: Kwahagwon ch'ulp'ansa, 1963) (for vol. 4), but
    vol. I covering the land system was not available to me.

  2. PGSR 12:48a.

  3. See Hoyt Tillman's discussion of the views of Chang Tsai and the Ch'eng brothers
    in the T\orthern Sung dynasty over the possibility of restoring ancient institutions. Hoyt
    Cleveland Tillman, Uti/itarilil/ Confucianism: Ch en Liang's Challenge to Chll (Cam-
    bridge: Harvard University, Couneil on East Asian Studies, 1<)82), pp. 42-43.

  4. PGSR 12ASb.

  5. Ibid. 1O::wb

  6. Ibid, 12:49a,

  7. Ibid, I2:48a.

  8. Ibid, 12:48a.

  9. See Tillman, Utilitarian Confucianism, for a discussion of the utilitarian thought in
    the Sung dynasty, particularly that of Ch'en Liang.
    10, PGSR IO:30b
    II. Ibid. II:Ia-b.

  10. For the Ssu-t'u, Yu cites the Book of History (Shu-ching) and Rites o(C/wu, ibid.
    I I: I b, 2b. For description of other officials, like the shih-shih, !){{()-shih, til S.lII-to, and
    to-cheng, and the school hierarchy, see ibid, I I :4a, 6b-7b, 9a-b, lob-12a, 14a, Isa.

  11. Ibid. II :<)b, 3a, 7b.

  12. Ibid. I I: I2a. Sec Wm. Theodore de Bary's discussion of Chu Hsi's ideas for estab-
    lishing a graded scheme of education from childhood in "Chu Hsi's Aims as an Educa-
    tor," in Wm. Theodore de Bary and John Chaffee, eds. Neo-Confucian Education: The
    fi)l'nwtive Stage (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989), pp.
    IS· PGSR II :3a; see also the Wang-chih section of the Book of Rites, ibid, I I :9b.

  13. Peter Bol, This Culture of Ours: Intellectual Transitions in Tang and Sung China
    (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1992).

  14. PGSR II:<)b.
    [S. Commentary on the Rites of Chou, ibid. I [:4a.

  15. PGSR J J :2a, <)a-b; sec also the Lu-shih commentary.

  16. Ibid. I I :3a.

  17. Ibid. J 1 Aa-b.

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