Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

II I. PGSR 26:3a-b.

  1. Ibid. 26:3h-4:1.

  2. Ihid. 26:5a.7a-h.

  3. Ihid. 26:7a.
    I IS. Ibid. 26:8b: Chong Kuhok, "Pan'gye kaehyok sasang," p. 33.

  4. PGSR 26:8b-9a.

  5. Wilbur, Slavery in China, pp. 452-53, doc. 122. dated A.D. 9. For an alternate
    translation see Pan Ku, History of the Former Hall Dynasty, trans. by Homer H. Dubs
    (Baltimore: Waverley Press, 1955), p. 285.

  6. PGSR 26:Ia. See also 21:39a.

  7. Ibid. 26:Ia.

  8. Ibid. 26: I a.

  9. MHBG I62:23b-24a; HYrJlljong sillok 20:20b-2Ia, which only refers to Song's
    recommendation. The memorial does not seem to be in his collectcd works in the sec-
    tion on memorials prcsented in 1669, SOllgja taejon I3:IOh-27b.

  10. See n.8f-:. Chon Hyongt'aek, Choson hugi Ilobi sinhllil ydn 'gu, pp. 238-39, 275.

  11. PGSR 26:5a.

  12. Ibid. 26:5a-b.

  13. Ibid. 26:5a.

  14. Ibid. 26:5b-6a.

  15. Pak Songsu, "Kogong yon'gu," [A study of hired labor), Sahak yon 'gu 18 (Sep-
    tember 1964):539,544,546,548-5 I.

  16. PGSR 26:6a.

  17. Pak Songsu, "Kogong yon'gu," pp. 527-54.
    130, Ibid.

  18. PGSR 26:6h-7a.

  19. Ibid. 26:6h.

  20. Ihid.

  21. Ihid. 26:6h-7a.

  22. Ihid. 26:7a.

  23. Kim Yongsop, Choson hugi nongopsa yon'gu: Nongch'on kyollgje, sa/we
    py61ldollg [Studies in the agricultural history of late Choson: The village economy and
    social change) (Seoul: I1chogak, 1970): idem, Ch(lS!}n hugi nongopsa y6n 'gu: nOllg'i'ip
    pY()lldong, nOllghak sajo [Studies in the agricultural history of late Choson: Changes in
    agriculture and trends in agricultural studies) (Seoul: Ilchogak, 197 I). See his other arti-
    cles in the bibliography.

  24. Ch'oc Chun'o, "Sipp'al shipku segi nong'op koyong nodong ili chon'gac wa pal-
    tal" [The expansion and development of agricultural hired lahor in the eighteenth and
    nineteenth centuriesJ, Hall 'guksa y6n 'gu 77 (June 1992):57-88.

  25. Kang Man 'gi I, "Choson hugi koripche paltal" [The development of the late Choson
    hired labor system I. HUll 'guksa y6n 'gu 13 (July 1976):73.

  26. Han yongguk. "Chos6n hugi iii kogong: 18-19 segi Taegu-hu hojok es6 pon kii
    silt'ae wa sonkyok" [Hired labor in late Choson: The real situation and character of hired

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