Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

labor as seen through the household registers of Taegu in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries], Yilksil lzakpo 81 (March 1979):81-124.

  1. Ihid" see tahle 2. p. 86, table 4, p. 87, table 6, p. 89.

  2. Ihid" pp. 90-95.

  3. Ihiu" pp. 106-7·

  4. Ihid" pp. 97-102.

  5. Ihid., pp. 114-16.

  6. Ibid., pp. 116-19, Even though this kind of lifetime indentured servitude was
    presumably abolished in 1783, it still continued. Ibid., p. 123.

  7. Ch'oe Chun'o, "Koyong nodong," pp. 82-83.

  8. Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, vol. 2, The
    Wheels of Commerce (New York: Harper and Row, 1982), pp. 49-54.

  9. Georges Duby, The Early Growth o/the European Economy: Warriors and Peas-
    antsfrom the Sevellth to the brel/lh Century, trans. Howard B. Clarke (Ithaca, N. Y: Cor-
    nell University Press, 1974). p. 226.
    ISO. Han yongguk. "Chason hugi ui kogong," p. 86.

  10. Chon S(lkchong, ChosrJn hugi sahoe pyc'5ndong yiill 'gil [A stuuy of the social
    changes in the late Choson period] (Seoul: Ilchogak, 1983), pp. 279-87.

  11. Han Y6ngguk. "Choson chungyop ui nobi kyolhon yangt'ae" [Marriages of slaves
    in miu-Choson], Yoksa hakpo 77 (978): I 23.

  12. Pak Nouk. "Choson sidae komunsosang ui yong'o komt'o: t'oji nobi mun'girUl
    chungsim'uro" [An investigation of the use of terms in old documents of the Choson
    period]. Tongbanghak chi 68 (Octobcr 1990): r I 2-13, I 18. Edward W. Wagner deduceu
    that in the 1663 household register for the northern uistrict of Seoul, the term pan, when
    used for a female slave married to a male slave. inuicated that her owner was the same
    as her husband's. or that thc slave listed was the possession of an owner alreauy listed
    in the document. "Social Stratification in Seventeenth-Ccntury Korca: Some Observa-
    tions from a 1663 Scoul Ccnsus Register," Occasional Papers Oil Korea, no. I (April,
    1974), pp. 52-:'13. Pak Nouk. however, amended this interpretation ofpanllo to mean "a
    slave of the same catcgory," that is "a slave who did the same kinu of work or service as
    other slaves." or "'a slave of (he [same] family" (p. 1 I r), no( Wagner's interpretation of
    "slave of the above-listed owner."

  13. Sukchong sillok 7:I2b--13a, Sukchong 4-4.kisa (1678), cited in Yi Sangbaek,
    "Ch'onja sumogo," p. 173; Hiraki Makoto. "Jiishichi-hachi seiki ni okeru nuryosai sho-
    sei no kisoku ni tsuite" [On the status of otTspring of male slaves and commoner wives
    in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries], Chl5sen gakuho 61 (October 1971):53-54;
    Hiraki, Choson hugi nobije yon'gu, pp. 132-34: CMn Hyongt'aek, Choson hugi Ilobi
    sinbun viln 'guo pp. 238-39. 275. Hiraki in the second of his works cited ahove has shown
    that the chronology in the Soktaejon of 1744 is wrong. According to this source, the matri-
    lineal rule was supposcd (0 have been rescinded in 1675, but (he evidence is lacking from
    the primary sources save for a reference later in 1730 to Ho Ch6k's supposed opposition
    to the matrilineal rule in 1675. See ibid., n.13, reference to SJW 716, Y6ngjo 6.12.26,

  14. Susan Shin ueduccd from her study of the Kumhwa household register of 1672
    that the matrilineal rule of 1669 was obviously not being enforced. "The Social Strue-

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