Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

fA study of the land registers: The peasant households in the late Choson dynasty], pt.
I, Sahak win 'gil 7 (May 1960):47.

Grade P'yong Acres (1224 p'yong/acre)
3,1I7·36 2·55
2 3,655.29 2.97
3 4.446.3^8 3.^63
4 5. 66 0.7 2 4.62
5 7.793-4^0 6.37
6 12.469-44 TO. I 9

  1. PGSR I: 13b, The material summarized above is taken from ibid. 1: 1 Ib-13b.

  2. Ibid. I:I 3a-b.

  3. Ibid. I: 13a.

  4. Ibid. I: 16b.

  5. Ibid. 1:16h-17a.

  6. Ibid. I: 1 3b.

  7. Ibid. 1:14b- 15 a.

  8. Ibid. I: 1 5a-b.

  9. Kim, "Yang'an ili yon'gu," pt. I, pp. 34-48. 63, 94-95.
    46, PGSR 2:19a.

  10. Ihid. noh.

  11. Ihid.

  12. Ihid. 2:17a.

  13. Ibid.

  14. For discussions of leadership in North Korea, see Bruce Cumings, "Corporatism
    in North Korea," journal of Korean Studies 4 (1982-83):269-94: Robert A. Scalapino
    and Chong-sik Lee, Communism in Korea. vol. 2. The Society (Berkeley and Los Ange-
    les: University of Cali fomi a Press, 1972):752-50: Dae-sook Suh, "Communist Party Lead-
    ership, in Suh Dae-sook and Char-jin Lee. eds., Political Leadership in Korea (Seattle:
    University of Washington Press, 1976): 159-61. For Park Chung-hee [Pak ChonghUi] in
    South Korea, see David C. Colc and Princeton N. Lyman, Korean Development: The
    Interplay of Politics and Economics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp.
    49-5 0.

  15. PGSR 2:17a-h.

  16. Ihid. 2:17b-18a.

  17. C. A. Peterson, "Court and Province in Mid-and Late Tang," in Denis Twitchctt
    and John K. Fairbank, eds., The Cambridge History of China, vol. 3, Sui and T'ang China,
    Part I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979):510-52.

  18. PGSR 2:18a.
    57· Ibid. 1 :3a.

  19. Ibid. I: T gb-20b.

  20. Ihid. 1 :2ob, 21 a.

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