Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

men in the unit, there must have been 2 I shifts with an interval of 42 months between
shifts. For additional details on the founding of the Royal Division and its regulations
at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when it consisted of 16,300 duty soldiers,
17,475 equipment support taxpayers (chabo) and 50,175 ration support taxpayers
(kwanbo), plus other miscellaneous soldiers and support taxpayers, see Man 'gi yoram,
kunjongp'yon [Section on military affairs] (Keijo: Chosen sotokufu chilsilin, 1938), pp.
32 7-3 2.

  1. PGSR 2 I :32a-b.

  2. Ibid. 2 I :29b.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid. 21:29b, 34a.

  5. Ibid. 2 I :30b. Yu's statement about the Special (Cavalry) Unit, presumably of the
    Military Training Agency, is hard to understand since its troops were provided support
    taxpaycrs, as will bc shown in chap. I I. He may have meant that the registration of sup-
    port taxpayers as called for in the regulations lagged behind the recruitment of duty sol-

  6. Ibid. 2I:30a.

  7. Ibid. 2 I :55a-b.

  8. Ibid. 2I:32b.

  9. Ibid. 2 I :56a-57a; see chiian I of the Wan-yu wen-k () series edited by Wang Ytin-
    wu (Shanghai: Commercial Press, Chung-hua min-kuo 27th year, 1939), pp. 21-29.

  10. PGSR 21:29b-30b.

  11. Ibid. 2 I :36a, 57a.

  12. Ibid. 2 I :35b.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Ibid. 2 I :35a-b. For the arrangements for support taxpayer payments at the time of
    the reform of the Royal Division in 1651, see Hyojong sillok 8:84a-b, Hyojong 3.6.kisa.

  15. PGSR 2I :36a.

  16. Since the Royal Division only had 12,000 men just prior to the 1651 reform, Kim
    may have been exaggerating, or he may have been talking about the total troop strength
    of a number of capital divisions in addition to the Royal Division.

  17. Ch'a Munsop made this point in "Imnan ihu lii yangyok," pt. 2, p. II7.

  18. Hyojong sillok 8:84b-85a, Hyojong 3.6.kisa.

  19. PGSR 2 I :57a-b.

  20. Or three months if their duty assignment fell within the agricultural work season
    from the fourth through thc seventh lunar months. Ibid. 2 I :36b. He provided different
    training regulations for cavalrymen.

  21. Ibid. 2I:36b-37a.

  22. Ibid. 2r:32b-33b.

  23. Ibid. 2 I :34a.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Ibid. 2 I :34b.

  26. At the same time he sought to reduce and simplify some of the categories of sol-

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