Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. 2 I: 39b-40a, 43b-44a.

  2. Ibid. 21:43b, 21:64b-68a.

CHAPTER II. The Debate over the Military Training Agency, 165 1-82

  1. PGSR 21:I2b-13a.

  2. Ibid. 2 I: I2b-13a. For discussion of the commercial activities of Military Training
    Agency troops, see Yi T'aejin, Chason hugi i1i cMngch'i wa kunyangje i1i pyon' ch 'On
    [The politics of the late Choson Period and changes in the capital division system) (Seoul:
    Han'guk yon'guwon, 1985), pp. 178-89; see p. 189 n. 10.

  3. PGSR 21: I la-b. ForYu's remarks on how low the two p 'il rate was, see ibid. 21:36b.
    See Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu ui yangyok kwa kyunyokp'op ili songnip [The yangyok
    system from the Imjin Wars on and the establishment of the equal service system I Sahak
    yon'gu 10 (April 1961):II5-30.

  4. Ch'a Munsop, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung" [The military defense build-up of
    King Hyojong's reign), in idem, Choson sidae kunje y6ngu (Seoul: Tan'guk taehakkyo
    ch'ulp'anbu, 1973), pp. 49-51; Yi T'aejin, "Chung'ang Ogunyongje ui songnip kwajong"
    [The process of the establishment of the central five division system], in Han 'guk kun-
    jesa, 2 Ki1nse Chason hugip 'yon [The military history of Korea, vol. 2. Early modem
    period: Late Chason dynasty) (Seoul: Yukkun ponbu, 1977), pp. 123-32; Yi T'aejin,
    Choson hugi i1i cMngch 'i wa kunyongje py/jnch 'On [The politics of the late Choson period
    and changes in the capital division system] (Seoul: Han'guk yonguwon, 1985), pp. 169-73.
    See also the brief historical account of the Military Training Agency written by the com-
    piler of Hy6njong kaesu sillak [The revised veritable record of King Hyonjong] 1O:8b-9a,
    in Kuksa p'yonch'an wiwonhoe [National Historical Compilation Committee] ed.,
    Chos6n wangjo siZlok, vol. 37 (Seoul: Tongguk munhwasa, 1955).

  5. Ch'a Munsop, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung." pp. 49-51; Yi T'aejin, Han'guk
    kunjesa (1977), pp. 123-32; Ch(JS(ln hugi, pp. 169-73.

  6. Hy6njang kaesu sillak T5b, cited in Yi T'aejin, Chas6n hugi, pp. 176-77. See also
    chap. 10, above.

  7. Si1ngjongwon ilgi [Records of the Royal Secretariat] 11:411-2 I (Seoul: Kuksan
    p'yoncha'n wiwonhoe, 1962). This text is hereinafter referred to as SJW. For a briefer
    summary, see Hy6njang sillak, 16: lOa, same date.

  8. Hydnjong kaesu sillok 20:22b-23a. A draft memorial in Song Siyol's collected works,
    undated but inserted after another document dated the ninth lunar month of 1670, clearly
    indicates that he intended to phase out the agency completely. Song Siyol, Sangja taejdn
    6 (N.p.:Kigukchong, 1926): IOb-I2b. This draft memorial is located between one dated
    kydngsul (1670).9.19 and another dated sinhaek (1671). r. 17.

  9. SJW II :400. I am indebted to Ch'a Munsop's discussion of this matter for the above
    source. See Ch'a Munsop, "Kilmwiyong ili yon'gu" [A study of the Royal Guard Divi-
    sion), in idem, Chason sidae kunje y/jn 'gu, p. 345. Unfortunately, the quote in Ch'a's
    book on this page is not from the SJW, which he cites in n.12 on p. 345, but from the
    Hyonjang kaesu sillok 20:22b-23a.

  10. Ch'a Munsop, "Kumwiyong yon'gu," pp. 342-45.

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