Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

this is the main source for the following information about the details ofthe Ch'ungch'ong
taedong system, I will only cite specific pages if it might be of some use for consult-
ing primary references. The taedong system is discussed in the eighteenth-century MHBG
kwon 152-54; the text of the regulations for Ch'ungch'ong (Taedong chormok) is in
MHBG 152:lob-I2b, and tax rates and first year's revenues for Ch6lla are in MHBG

  1. MHBG rob-Ila.

  2. Han Yongguk, "Hoso," part 2, p. 90 n.96, pp. 90-96; "Honam," part 2, p. 33.

  3. Han Yongguk, "Honam," part 2, pp. 33-34.

  4. Han found that between r744 and r 834 Ch'ungch'ong's taxable land rose to 76.9
    percent (from 71.4 percent), which might have reduced the tax differential between the
    two provinces, since Ch'ungch'ong's basis for taxes increased. Ibid., p. 33 n.67. Han also
    pointed out that since the average number of persons per household was 3.5, he assumes
    that the statistics only counted adult males and females and not children.

  5. Ibid., part 2, pp. 39-47.

  6. In r653 instructions were issued that liberal prices ought to be paid from taedong
    revenues from Ch'ungch'ong Province for food items used by the Royal Cuisine Office
    (Saongwon) to attract a sufficient supply of goods through the open market, and Kim
    Yuk sought to reduce costs by substituting more plentiful and cheaper pigs or calves for
    the costlier deer previously required for royal tribute or ritual ceremonies. Han Yongguk,
    "Hoso," part 2, p. 90 n.96, pp. 90-96; "Honam," part 2, pp. 38, 57, 76 n. r r 5. For dis-
    cussion of the district's capital agcnt, see Yi Kwangnin, "Kyongjuin yon'gu" [A study of
    the district's capital agent] Inmun kwahak 7 (June r962):237-67. For his discussion of
    the rise in the annual wages of the district's capital agents by 1800, see ibid., p. 262.

  7. Han Yongguk, "Hoso," part 2, pp. 90 n.96, 90-96; "Honam," part 2, pp. 73-80.
    For kiin, see Tagawa, Riehl) konosei no kenkyu, pp. 744-46 et passim.

  8. Han Yongguk, "Hos6," part 2, pp. 99-125; "Honam," part 3, pp. 88-99; part 4,
    pp. 9r-I21; pp. 83-99; MHBG 152:rob-r rb.

  9. Han Yongguk, "Hoso," part 2, pp. r r 8, [23-24.

  10. Han Yongguk, "Honam," part r, p. 46 n-4 r. The source of these figures was Wada
    Sei, Chosen no tochi seido oyohi chisei seido chosa hokoku [A report of an investigation
    of the land and land tax systems of Korea] (Keijo: 1920), pp. 703-29.

  11. Han Yongguk, "Hoso," part 2, p. 125, which cites Sukchong sillok 60:3rb, Suk-
    chong 43.8.sinhaek.

  12. Yi Man'iin's commentary in the MHBG, written between 1782 and 1791, also
    reported that the taedong tax was divided into a seven mal/kyollevy in the fall, and six
    mal/kyol in the spring, as established by law in r658 prior to the adoption of a cloth tax
    for upland Cholla in 1662, MHBG 152:r8b-r9a.
    7I. Hyonjong kaesu sillok 9Aoa-45a, Hyonjong'in (8th day, r663), Han
    Yongguk, "Honam," part 4, pp. [00-102 n.135; "Honam," part [, pp. 57-59.

  13. Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part 4, p. 104; for the 8 mal/p'il commutation rate in
    1665, see MHBG 152:18b; Kim Okkiin, Choson hugi, pp. 204-5.

  14. Han Yongguk found the comment by the Sillok historian who said that Hyonjong

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