Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Hyojong sillok 19:5a-6a, Hyojong 8.7.imja, cited in Han Yongguk, "Hoso," part
    2, p. 129: Han. "Honam," part I, pp. 34-35; Kim Okkun. Choscin hugi, p. 199. Ching
    Young Choe called this Kim Yuk's "deathbed memorial," "Kim Yuk," p. 32.

  2. Hyojong sillok 19:52a-b. Hyojong 8.1 1 .pyong'o; Han Yongguk, "Honam," part I,
    pp. 35-38; Kim Okkun. ClWSrJll hugi, pp. 199-200; Ching Young Choe, "Kim Yuk," p.
    33; MHBG 152 : 1 3b-qa.

  3. Han Yongguk, "Hos6," part 2, p. 10 n. 1 2 I; Ching Young Choe, "Kim Yuk," p. 33;
    Hycijong sillok 20:31a, Hyojong 9.7.ch6ngmi.

  4. Edward W. Wagner, The Literati Purges, Political Conflict in Early Yi Korea (Cam-
    bridge: East Asian Research Center and Harvard University Press, 1974), pp. 104-8;
    Hyojol1g sillok 20:36a-b, Hyojong 9.9.kihaek; Ching Young Choe, "Kim Yuk," p. 33.
    For two other memorials by Kim Yuk presented in 1658 that have not been dicussed
    elsewhere in secondary studies, see MHBG [52: 15a-16b. The first objected to the state-
    ment of a previous governor of Cholla that the people were opposed to the law, espe-
    cially when the secret censor for the province had interrogated people in the streets and
    villages and found that they would have welcomed the (({edong surtax even if had been
    as high as fifteen to twenty m({1 (per kyc'il). He also said it was the governor's obligation
    to tell the people that the thirteen mallkyiil rate was not etched in stone and could be
    5 r. Hyojong suggested the thirteen mallkycil rate earlier in the year, in the second lunar
    month. Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part 1, pp. 39-40; Kim Okkiin, Choson hugi, pp.
    200-201; MHBG 152:14a-b. Three other districts were added to the coastal, rice-pay-
    ing region later on, or thirty of the fifty-three districts in aIL MHBG 152:14a-b.

  5. See Minister of Taxation H6 Ch6k's remarks about the higher cost of cotton in
    Ch'ungch'ong, in Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part r, p. 43.

  6. Of the two versions in the Hycinjong sillok and Revised HWlnjong sWok the for-
    mer is obviously garbled and the latter far more reliable, and Han Y6ngguk has relied on
    it in his article. HWlnjol1g si/lok 3:6a-b, Hyonjong 1.6.kihaek, and HY(lnjong k({esu siZ-
    10k, 3:49a-b. same date. Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part 1, p. 42; Kim Okklm, Choslln hugi,

  7. Han Yongguk, "Honam:' part 1, p. 42; Kim Okkun, ChosiJn hugi. p. 203.

  8. Hyonjong kaesu siZlok 3:49a, Hyonjong 1 .6.kihaek; Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part
    I. p. 43; Kim Okkiin, Choson hugi. p. 203.

  9. The regulations for the taedong system for that province were promulgated in 1663.
    The law was suspended briefly again between r666 and 1667, but for all practical pur-
    poses it had really begun in 1662. Han YOngguk, "Honam," part I, pp. 44-45; Kim Okkun,
    ChosiJn hugi, p. 203.

  10. For the dimensions of the p'i!, sec Han Yongguk, "Hos6," part 2, p. 83·

  11. For this point see Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part 2, pp. 55-61, et passim; part 3,
    passim; part 4, pp. 91-99. In the first of these articles Han studied the operation of the
    taedong system in Ch'ungeh'Cmg after 1651 based on the promulgation of the eighty-
    two articles or the law (Hosif taedong samok), in "Hos6," part 2. pp. 77-132. Imple-
    mentation or the articles for Cholla Province were published in ibid., pp. 67-100. Since

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