Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

(llmyo waebyon
eh 'et 'ong II ii1E the legitimate order of
Chewon ~ ~ runners
Ch'i dynasty 'jf AD. 479-502
Ch'i, state of (China)
Chi-eha-chu ~JiStt Records o/Daily
Comings and Goings
Chi-hsiao hsin-shu iC~fIT. book by
Ch'i Chi-kuang
ehi-t'ien (Ch.) i IE see ehOkcllon.
Chia-ch'ing era (Ch.) j(;Yj Ming
dynasty, 1522-66
Chia-Ii (Ch.)
:tl Family Rites
Chiang-nan U m region in South
chiao-eh 'ao (Ch) .3C: ~ paper bill in
Chin dynasty (l2-13th c.)
chiao-tzu (Ch.) 5( T paper scrip is-
sued in early II th c., Sung dynasty
Chibong yusol Z:. JJHDi text by Yi
Chib'ili ~~ second inspector in the
Office of the Inspector-General
ehieh (Ch.) m document of "release"
granted to an official who had been
transferred absolving him of financial
or other responsibilities for his post
Chieh-tu-shih (Ch.) 1m lt~ military
Chien (Ch.)m inspector
eh 'ien (eh) M base
eh 'ien (Ch.) ~ piece of cash
eh 'ien-pu /ang-t 'ien (Ch.) T il71J IE
thousand-paced square fields
Chien-ch'a yii-shih (Ch.) ii;\:~~ 51.:
investigating censors
Chigwan :11k '8 officer of earth
Chigwi\1 1f. Jj secretary of a commu-
nity compact
clligyok :&: service
chih-fen-t'ien (Ch.)
* IE office land
ehilw ')t T to make disbursements


ehih-ehi (Ch.) fl ~ paper scrip
ehik _ job
ehikchOn _IE "office land," or pre-
bendal grants to officeholders
ehikcl,tJllg H J£ direct recruitment
Chikch' ong .1i .. attendants assigned
to a post or office
chikpunjon _ 5t FA office land
Ch'ilch' ollyang (p.n.) ~) r r ~ Koje
ch'ilehOng --ttw seven emotions
chill • garrisons
chin ~ fallow
ch'ill it having a royal parent; royal
Chin dynasty (Ch.) if AD. 265-90
Chin dynasty (Ch.) ~ AD.1l15-1234
Ch'in dynasty (Ch.) ~ 227-207 RC.
chin-shih (Ch.) jig ± advanced scholar
Chill-ssu Lu :l!i It}, ~ Record o/Thillgs
Near at Hand
ehinbo .1! local garrisons and forts
chill bong ~* offerings of food from
the provinces to capital officials to
supplement short salaries after the Im-
jin War
ell 'illch 'ok itIX: close relatives
Chindo (p.n.) J$ C! Chin Island
Ching (Ch.) 9Jl11 chief minister (Chou)
Ch'ing dynasty (Ch.) mAD. 1644-
Cllillghirok ~ m~ "Precautions
Against Attack" (by Yu Songnyong)
ell 'illg-i (Ch.) m iii pure discussion
Ching-Weh (Ch.) ~ ~ military com-
missioner (Ming)
cll 'illg-miao (Ch.) 118'1 green shoots
grain loan policy of Wang An-shih
(Sung), AD. 1069
Ching-t 'ien lei-shou * ill ~ l\5c
chin 'gwan .'if regional command
garrison of central garrison system of
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