chOmt' oe !'i:lE! rejection of tribute
goods by a bureau clerk
Ch 'on :7( Heaven
chOn il cash
chOn 118 land unit of 4 kyong
ch 'on M base status
chOn ki-ji • Jt:l& exclusive control
over land
chOn 'an ill ~ the complete land regis-
chOnbong • # feudal lords given
exclusive control over land
ChonbOpsa :!fl!. f! R] Ministry of Justice
Ch'onch'ong T t.i officer in charge of
chOng T adult male
chong 1W human emotions
chong kyonggae IE ~!fI. land bounda-
chOn 'gaek 1B11f the "tenant-guest,"
peasant culti vator of land, presumably
an owner, on prebends to men of offi-
cial rank under the kwajon system
Ch'ongbaengni m B j! pure officials;
chief officials of top rank of the impor-
tant state offices
ChOngbang l!& m Personnel Office
chongbyong IE ~ regular soldiers of
commoner status
chongch'in #l. male relatives of the
royal clan
Chongch'inbu #l.Jff Office of Royal
Chongch'och'ong ~1&. Crack
Select Agency
Chongch'ogun .. 1& 1J[ Crack Select
Ch'ongch'on River m)l/ tr
chOngga JE 11 designated prices for the
purchase of goods by the purchasing
agents under the taedong system
Chonggon-dogam IE #l; $ it Direc-
torate for Rectification of Tribute,
G LOS S A R Y I I 57
agency established by King Sonjo in
chOnggun iE. regular duty soldiers
Chonghak ** Yu's Peer's School
Chong'in 1ft A attendant
ch 'ongjik JlH boy servants
chongjik IE. regular officials
chongjon IE ill regular fields
ChOngjon IE~ Hall of Rectitude
Ch'ongju (p.n.) m 1M in Ch'ungch'ong
chongjuin IE.± A designated gov-
ernment purchasing masters or agents
chongjwa chonsim fll~ff'L' concen-
tration of the mind
chongmohOp 1ft fJJ:f! matrilineal
succession law
chongmojibOp 1ft fJJ: Z f! matrilineal
succession law
Chongmyo * -'I the Royal Ancestral
chOngmyong IE ~ rectification of
ChOngnang IE ~~ a bureau section chief
Chongno (p.n.) Ii Jij-Bell street in
downtown Seoul
ChOngnowi IEM:r.w the Jurchen
Quelling Guards
chOngnyong l!& ~ government affairs
cll 'on 'go If. recommendation pro-
Chon'gom :!fl!.* investigator
Chong'on IE ~ fourth censor of the
Office of Censor-General (Saganwon)
chOngp '0 IE:ffl correct cloth
chOngsi JJ! $t special palace examina-
Ch' ongso m I!!f Pure Westerner faction
Changsun, Queen ii ~ 3:::. J§ King
Y6ngjo's second queen, dowager re-
gent for King Sunjo
chOng 'un fi!f~ pure silver
ch 'on 'gunbo M 1J[1:lil: slaves with
military service responsibilities