Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

!bang ~ m personnel clerk, main clerk
of a magistrate's district (later
ibyok nobi .lL::'fX ~:fIll! service slaves
leh' on -ill )" t:l! Military Colony
idu ~ l\1'f Korean clerk's script
igi m *t principle (i) and psycho-
physical energy (ki, pronunciation
changes to -gi after a vowel)

Igun -=. Two Armies
Igwi ~ f4fi Wing Guards
Ijang .m. -fl! head of a 50-family unit in
Yu Hyongwon's plan
Ijong _!.f!.lE head of a 50-family group
Ijongch' ong 1f.IE.. Refonn Bureau
Ikki Island 'it ~
Iksan(p.n.) ~JlJ south of Seoul
ilia yOllg 'if -!#;Tj(~ perpetual ease
after a single efTort
ifZvok AiJ human labor
ilIyu A~ human beings
Imjin :f.J&
Imjin River ct;f4!tr
imsin :f If! year of 1728 rebellion
imsul :f ~ year of 1862 rebellion
Ingnimwi 3pH. Winged Forest
inho ~ P individual households
Inhogun ~ P t:t Prince Inho
Injo Restoration t:m&lE
injong A 1f feelings of people, human
Inmul ch'ubyon-dogam A~
It Directorate for Inspection of
inp 'um A rPrt personal quality
insa .A $ obligations of courtesy and
gift-giving to superiors
insim A Ie" human mind, imperfect,
beclouded by psycho-physical energy
insun kosik I:;§ 11 ~ti ,~, accommoda-
tion and appeasement
illyok A~ human desire


Ipehon .lL. Seoul silk shops
ipho eh 'ulbyolIg .lL P :±l ~ military
ipkang .lL ~ establishing respect for
ippang/igun A ~::t. frontier duty
/rye ~ ~ runners and slaves
isabOp ill tt 1i artificial village

jiso 5t ff.f. sons and younger brothers of
branch lines of the sadaebu or yang ban
.Turchen -!A 1{:

Kabo ,Lp year of 1894 refonn
kaeh 'uk * If household servants
Kado (Ka Island) m ffh
Kadok Island 1m ~ Ch
kaek 1; see kaekehu
kaekehu 1;'± wholesalers, brokers
Kaes(.')ng (p.n_) lUI ~
kag 'all saengni -*:ti:1:. m for each to
rest secure in the principle of continu-
ous reproduction
K 'ai-yiian t 'ung-pao (Ch.) lUI jG:iiI.
Chinese coin (rang)
kakeha sllsejon '* ~ t& f5t tEl land
exempted from tax collection by the
central govenmlent
Kaksa -* R] the Capital Bureaus (of
the Six Ministries)
kamgwan Jii;t '8 steward of coastal
kami 1l * rice levy to pay for cost of
masts, oars, and sails; rice funds for
the purchase of goods under the tae-
dong system
Kanunokkwan Jii;t!&'8 keeper of horse
kammlln It r~ palace gate guards
Kamsugwan Jii;t t& '§' tax collectors
Kanghwa Island tr ¥ Ch
Kangjin (p.n.) m$
Kangwon Province tr Jffi-
Kan' gyong-dogam TiJ ~ $It Direc-
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